WHO IS THE BRIDE OF CHRIST? Who is the Bride of Christ? Is it - TopicsExpress


WHO IS THE BRIDE OF CHRIST? Who is the Bride of Christ? Is it a system, a church structure or you? How you see yourself is how you will react. If you see yourself as merely just an unworthy Christian who is far from Christ, you won’t have such a personal intimate friendship with Jesus, as if you see yourself as a Bride of Christ who has been redeemed and made Holy by Jesus. Only as a Bride of Christ will you automatically act differently and be more loving to God and others, as you will be devoted to Jesus because He reigns supremely in your heart and you will seek to do His Will. Why is it that Jesus clearly said that it isn’t those who say Lord, Lord, Lord who will be saved, but those who do the will of the Father? Think about it, do you truly seek to do God’s Will at all times, or is it only when it suits you? Do you like being the centre of attention in the choir, or do you sing for love of God? How do you see yourself in relation to God? Please read the passage on the Wedding Feast. Matthew 22:1-14 (KJV) It is interesting that everyone is called to the Wedding feast, but who is the Bride of Christ? We believe that those who have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ and show that they love Him by obeying His Commandments and seeking to do His will are the Brides of Christ. See the Bible verse. . (Hosea 2:19-20) (KJV) The Bible says that God is our husband as seen in Isaiah 54: 5 Isaiah: 62:5 (KJV) …..as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. The Bride of Christ knows God and has love for Him and shows integrity and is ready for Jesus’ return, so he or she doesn’t compromise at all and puts God first before anyone or anything and does everything out of love for Him, and is only taught by God and not man. Now read what the Bible says about the Bride of Christ. Revelation 19:7( In the passage below see what happens to the virgins who have been converted. These particular virgins are the Brides of Christ, and they all had the Holy Spirit, which is the oil in the lamp. Some Brides had gone back into the world and compromised, and didn’t put God first and didn’t co-operate with the Holy Spirit and therefore fell asleep, while the others co-operated with the Holy Spirit and were ready for Jesus’ return. Matthew 25:1-13 (.It is wanting to comfort God by the life you live and doing everything that you do for God glory. Have you done that and have you no shadow of doubt that Jesus won’t leave you behind but take you with Him? If you aren’t sure of the answer, then you need to have a closer relationship with Jesus. Turn this world into a better place by letting Jesus reign supremely in your heart and have a heart of flesh rather than a heart of stone. When the Lord has changed your heart refuse to think negatively about yourself because that would be putting Jesus’ accomplishments down, but instead focus on our Precious Saviour and thank Him for the way he is transforming you. Written by Marie-Helene and Dominic Bradshaw
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:35:41 +0000

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