WHO IS THE FIG TREE? ISRAEL OR THE CHURCH? Matthew 24:32-35 Before we get into the merits of the case is necessary a brief explanation in order not we run outside the rules of hermeneutics which are basic principles of interpretation. It is salutary to understand that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written intended for the Jewish people, and that the Gospel of the Gentile Church is the book of Romans. Although we can use this text and make applications to the current church, because we were also inserted in the True Vine is Lord Yehoshua HáMashyach. And it is also good that everyone knows that we are not advocates of heretical doctrine of Replacement that some theologians believe that the Church has replaced the Jewish people in the Original Plan of God. This is not true, because God does not change and in Him there is no shadow of variations. So, briefly, He again dealing with the nation of Israel collectively, during the (70th) Seventieth Week prophesied by the prophet Daniel, the second coming of Mashyach here on earth. We must also understand that there are two theological currents that support the thesis that the Figueira is understood as: . ISRAEL 01; 02. CHURCH. This cleared up, back to the essence of the text of the Gospel of St. Matthew, which are: SIGNS THAT precede the Second Coming of the Son of man in earth HERE. Many signs that will precede the Second Coming of Christ here on earth are mentioned in this chapter 24. One of these signals is therefore the Parable of the Fig Tree. ... When its branches are renewed and the leaves sprout, you know that is next summer Let us understand together with some scholars, scholars, theologians and defenders of the thesis that Israel as a nation and the fig tree. So Heres the first sign of the fig renewing their branches and leaves sprouting. The Desert blooming in the desert. Isaiah 27:6 In days to come Jacob will take root, and Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the fruit world. Israel now produces in its deserts irrigated by modern technological processes sprinkler irrigation and drip produces best fruits that are exported to the world. Recently reported to export a large orange production in Saudi Arabia. There are grapes and produces better wines; Olives, olive oils and better; Roses are exported to France and Switzerland where they are produced perfumes, and many other fruit quality, complying faithfully with Gods Word foretold this text of Isaiah. See also Isaiah 35:1 and 2 DESERT and the solitary place shall be glad of it; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. 2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God. Look at this testimony Open Letter from a Woman of Israel, open our eyes to the practical reality that Israel as a nation, has renewed its branches, sprouting leaves, producing the fruits: Im not afraid to go anywhere by bus or a mall. I have not changed or stopped doing something you used to do before this mess started! People tend to forget that twice the terror victims are killed in accidents! More people still die of a heart attack, cancer, and other things, but that does not appear on TV. Do not get me wrong, theres a war going on. Not nice, but lets face it: NEVER BEEN SO WELL! Its only the TV and the media that make people think the end of the world is coming. There are only 60 years led Jews to death like sheep to the slaughterhouse! There was no country, no army. 55 years ago seven Arab countries declared war against the small Jewish state, which had a few hours old! There was the Israel Defense Force (Israel Defense Forces? IDF) no powerful Air Force. Only brave people with no place to go. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia attacked at once. The country that gave us the UN? Was 65% desert. The country started from nothing! 35 years ago! We fight against the three most powerful armies in the Middle East, and drove them in six days. We fought different coalitions of Arab countries with modern armies, and huge quantities of arms of the Soviet Union, and still won! Today we have a country, an army, a strong Air Force, one high-tech economy, which exports millions. Intel? Microsoft? IBM? develop their products here. Our physicians receive global awards for advances in medicine. We made the desert bloom and sell oranges and vegetables to the world. We share with pride the company of 250 million Americans, 200 million Russians, 1 billion and 200 million Chinese, Europeans? in France, England, Germany, 350 million people. The only countries in the world to send something into space! Israel today is part of the family of nuclear power, with the United States, Britain, Russia, China, India and France. (Do not admit, but everyone knows ...) And to think that just 60 years, were conducted shame, without hope, to death! We crawled out of the burning ashes of Europe, we won our wars with almost nothing in his hands, build an empire from nothing. Who is this Mr. Arafat to scare me? To terrify me? You make me laugh! Pesach (the Passover) was celebrated. Let us not forget its history. We overcame Pharaoh, overcame the Greeks, the Romans overcame, overcame the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms in Russia overcame, overcame Hitler, we overcame the Germans overcame the Holocaust, overcame the armies of seven Arab countries, Saddam overcome. Take it easy, brother. Also overcome the current enemies. No matter which part of history you refer! Think about it. For us, the Jewish people, the situation has never been so good! So lets lift her head, let us remember: Any nation or culture that tried to harm us, was destroyed, while we stay! Egypt? No one knows where his empire disappeared? The Greeks? Alexander of Macedon? Romans? Someone speaks Latin nowadays? The Third Reich? You have heard news about it lately. And look at us, the nation of the Bible, from the slavery of Egypt. Were still here, speaking the same language (Hebrew)! Right here, right now. The Arabs do not yet know, but learn that there is one God. While we keep our identity, we are eternal. So excuse me for not worrying, not enrage me, do not cry, do not be afraid. Here everything goes well. Things could certainly be better, but still: let not take the garbage the media, she will not tell you that there Festive Day being celebrated, the people continue to live, people are leaving, people visit friends . Yes, our morale is low. So what? It is only because we mourn our dead, while they appreciate the blood. It is for this reason that we will win, after all. You can send it if you want, the entire Jewish community and people of the world inteiro.Eles are part of our strength. This may help some to keep your head up. Tell them that there is nothing to worry about, tell them to think on a large scale and that enxerguem the scene. This testimony corroborates everything that we have stated concerning Israel. But add that at the time of the Falklands War between Britain and Argentina, I read a comment from experts on war, that the ranks of aviation in Argentina had ten riders of fighters Israelis, Argentina would not have lost the war. It is not an exaggeration but the fact that Jews are highly trained soldiers for battle. Have an army of very well prepared soldiers. Look good, be attentive to the things that are happening to Israel, where God has His eyes fixed. And All occurrences are evidence Sinas preceding the Second Coming of Jesus here on earth. Listen for this news transcribed below: PART OF THE WALL FELL IN THE TEMPLE MOUNT. Orthodox Jews see this as a sign of the end time. Reprinted from News from Israel beth-shalom.br Day February 15, 2004 fell a part of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Does this fact is a message from God to the Jews and the Christian Church? This question is in the air. Religious Jews are believing so. Access to the Mughrabi Gate, where it reaches the Temple Mount to the west side rui partially. This increase marks the southern part of the Western Wall, which is divided into two sectors, male and female, as Jews traditionally separate people from different genres pray together. Ramp up loose boulders that have fallen in the female area. On the morning of February 15, there were approximately 150 women praying, but no one was hurt. Immediately the place was isolated by the Israeli authorities. The Department of Antiquities of Israel attributes the fall of the wall to the Mughrabi mild earthquake which hit neighboring countries and Israel four days earlier. Also heavy rains and snowfall mainly from the night before contributed to the overthrow of the wall. We must also consider the plight of the structures of the old wailing. Two years ago experts Jordanians seek remedy a serious flaw in the south wall. Recently collapsed a wall of the Islamic Museum on the Temple Mount. In the opinion of the archaeologist Eilat Masar, the occurrence of a large landslide, which will cause a disaster, it is a matter of time. BE? YOU ARE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND?? After the Mughrabi Gate ramp fell, plans to reopen an old entrance to the Temple Mount again be contemplated. Under the Mughrabi Gate is the Gate of Berkley, known as Port Kipponus in New Testament times, when it was one of the main entrances to the Temple Mount. As the GOLDEN GATE, the eastern side through which, according to Jewish tradition, the Messiah will come (Mashyach), currently the Door Kipponus is also closed. Gershon Solomon (this name would be coincidence? Do not you remember that Solomon built the Temple ...), is the leader of the Temple Mount Faithful, says the collapse of the walls is a clear message from God. This Jewish-orthodox movement aims to build a new temple was located where the most important sanctuary of the Jewish people by the year 70 AD and now occupied by the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa mosque. God himself would be willing to reopen the doors to the Jews that Muslims and Arabs sealed off, thinks Solomon. As a sign of the end times, God would send earthquakes to destroy the mosques that are on the Temple Mount, paving the way for the rebuilding of the Shrine of the end times. Solomon also cites former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren, who God expected the Israeli government to remove the mosques when the Temple Mount was recaptured in 1967. Till then it was controlled by Jordan. It is interesting to note that the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz, leftist and liberal, certainly immune to any apocalyptic speculation, remembered on 11th February, shortly after the earthquake, which in ancient times the prophet Zechariah had promised that God would restore the Temple. (See below): Zechariah 14:3-11,21. And the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azel; and ye shall flee as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God will come, and all the saints with thee. 6 In that day, there will be precious light, nor dark. 7 But is a known day of the Lord; neither day nor night; but what will happen when evening there will be light. 8 On that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea, and half of them toward the western sea; in summer and in winter shall it. 9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth; in that day shall the Lord, and shall call his name. 10 All the land around it turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem, and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamins gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananel mills up to the king. 11 And they shall dwell therein, and there will be more destruction, for Jerusalem will dwell securely. 21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts, and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe. And on that day there will be no more a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts. So the signs are opening before our eyes. Look at Israel, the signs are being fulfilled ... The Reconstruction of Israel as a nation has grandiose steps from 1967 when the then Prime Minister Golda Meir, where joint efforts made over three thousand housing units were built per day. And, immigration, the return of Jews (Zionism) from all over the world reach very high numbers fulfilling the prophetic word of the Sons back to their homeland. If then we understand that Israel as a nation is the Figueira described in Matthew chapter 24, we will have to agree that this generation will see the return of Jesus Christ here on earth, for one generation to the Jewish corresponds 40 years. We do not want to set a date for Jesus return here, but we want to warn the evidence in order to prepare ourselves as Church of winners, and to be in line with the order to hear the sound of the trumpet announcing the Second Coming of the Lord Yehoshua Skies There Mashyach here on earth. Alert Church! Already we are hearing the footsteps of the Savior who is coming for His Beloved Bride! If you do not agree with this thesis pass the second theological current study, which states that the Figueira is the Universal Church of the Saints of all time: It is important that we know the definition of the Church Ekklesia Greek term meaning called out. Can have two interpretative connotations: Church (Ekklesia) means: Called out of the world and its pleasures: All those who belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, obey His call to quit the world and its carnal pleasures, to serve Him in holiness and honor. We were called into Jesus, where have all provision and sustenance. We were grafted in Him, the True Vine; Church (Ekklesia) means: Called out of the buildings and the web of religion: The Emperor Constantine was a milestone of clericalism, he Christianized religious Rome. The Church should influence was terribly influenced by the religious virus. The Church was called into the buildings, created a segregation, clergy and laity, and church entrance into the buildings we call temples engessamos cults, create liturgies, teologizamos, established limits for activity of the Holy Spirit of God, put God in a housing, and Theocêntrica Church, became Homocentric, worship, praise, sing, love to men and not God. Abram was in Haran, Padan (or maybe still in Ur of the Chaldeans), God called the patriarch Abram, ... out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy house and go to the land I will show you .. . broke, Abram, as LHO ordered the Lord ... (Gen. 12:1,4). Acts 7:2 and 3 And he said, Men, brethren and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, 3 and said to him, Come out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into a land which I will show you. We were called out so much of the world as the buildings (temples), and these days we have experienced albeit tentatively, this revelation coming out of church buildings, going to the United Nations, cities, towns, alleys, streets, in search of the lost sheep. We left the religious inflexibility, for practical life of the communion of brothers. Have assembled in family units in homes during the week and on Saturday / Sunday let the buildings for worship celebration. We have the praxis in businesses, colleges, schools, football, informal meetings, we learned the verb igrejar sharing and sharing needs seeking to meet them as they appear. We share the Word of God in obedience, eating His flesh and drinking His blood in order to be transformed from Glory to Glory to the stature of the perfect rod, Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior and King The great historic revivals Canada, Colombia, Argentina, Africa, etc.., Large evangelistic crusades, and mass conversions occurred, Korea, China, the countries of the Iron Curtain. The MEGA Church Paull Young Cho in Korea ... It is said that a Billy Graham crusade in Red Square for three days, more than twenty thousand people received Jesus Christ as Savior. Missionaries throughout the world has witnessed the power of God being manifested everywhere. In Africa we hear the testimony of resurrections, healings, deliverances. The Fire of Revival Gods sprawling all over the world. In Brazil we are experiencing the beginning of the Move of God Oyapock to Chuy ... Churches exploding in numerical growth and also in Revelation of the Word of God, Praise and Worship. We will not quote names of ministries here, but is notoriously known the large growth and achievement of the army of God in all cities of Brazil. I speak from experience of all men of God who has come to Central Brazil, especially in Goiânia-Go. that great wonders God has wrought here on this earth. In effect, great things the Lord has done for us, hence the reason for our joy in writing this article. There are many examples we could relate here, but for less realized that you are, in every city of the world, one hears that the Church is flourishing, ... When his branch is renewed and the leaves sprout, ye know that summer is near. In Acts of the Apostles Chapter 7: 34 says: I saw with the affliction of my people in Egypt, heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver him. Come now and I will send thee into Egypt. Another sign that we could not fail to mention is the issue of peoples suffering, hunger, wars, violence, ghettos, segregation, persecution, deceitful spirits, false doctrine, (I Timothy 4:1). We are living in this time so emphatically preached by Paul when he also shows some signs of the end times, talking about the character of the men misrepresented the time of the end. (2 Tm 3:1-9). This end time that The Liberator will come. So if we understand that the Figueira is the Church, we can see that this prophetic generation will see the Second Coming of the Lord Yehoshua HáMashyach here on earth. Have a little glimpse on the horizon cloud the size of a mans hand. Go Raining! Anyone in the hills can receive drops of water, but those who are at the foot of the mountain, in the valleys of humiliation ... the waters descend from the hills and the valleys shall overflow, there will be those who are enxarcados and the river will lead, as it has no more way to cross it by swimming, is the leading river. Hallelujah. So any of the theological currents about Figueira as a signal that precedes the Second Coming of Jesus may be true. But, look, if this fulfills a prophetic sign in Israel or the Church, we are already seeing Figueira sprouting and its branches being renovated. We have no where to run this truth. Already the hour is coming in vintager, Farmer reap the rewards of the Church to be raptured from this earth. The promise of Jesus Christ is this: The generation that come to Figueira bloom will come the Second Coming of the Lord in the air as lightning that comes from the east and flashes to the west, the Son of Man coming in the clouds with power and glory. Then notice carefully that one generation to the Jewish People lasts 40 years, and the generation that sees the fig tree blossom, this generation would see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Church is flourishing as never before flourished. Israel is blooming, their deserts are producing. Theres nowhere to run away these realities. So is imminent Return of Jesus. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. He who is thirsty come; And whosoever will, take the free gift of the water of life. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen Revelation 22: 17, 20,21 This is not an old wives story, is not the Gospel of Terror, is not an evangelical hunting for Taliban supporters, instilling fear and terror of the end of the world, no, this is not our true intent. This is a true story to a happy ending for everyone one who accept Jesus Christ as the one Lord and Savior of their lives end. You choose! Maranatha! Come, Lord HáMashyach Yehoshua (Jesus Christ)!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:30:42 +0000

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