WHO IS THIS MAN WHO OCCUPIES THE OVAL OFFICE? (Part 2 of a 2-part - TopicsExpress


WHO IS THIS MAN WHO OCCUPIES THE OVAL OFFICE? (Part 2 of a 2-part series) In part 1 of this 2-part series, “Who Is This Man Who Occupies The Oval Office?”, I mentioned, in passing, that, in the championship boxing match between the proclaimed best pound for pound fighter in the world, the 36-year-old Floyd Mayweather, and his 23-yearold upstart rival, Canelo Alvarez, we would either be crowning a new “pound-for-pound champion,” or have to finally admit that Mayweather is the best pound for pound fighter of all time, lifting that particular crown off of the great Sugar Ray Robinson’s head. Well, “Good Morning Syria,” Mayweather has my vote! I thought Mayweather would finally succumb to youth, but no such outcome took place. I was wrong, which, according to liberals, is a constant, but to my credit, due to my being a cheapskate, I was only out of $25, since two other boneheads went in with me to pay for the cost of seeing the fight on Pay-Per-View, last night. I didn’t dare bet any of my hard-earned money on the outcome of the fight, fearful that, if I lost, I wouldn’t have enough money left over for pizza, which was a result of my firm belief that no man should even call himself a man, if he watches a championship boxing match of this magnitude, without at least two slices of pizza. In addition, a man should call himself a hypocrite if he washes two, or more, slices of pizza down his throat with diet pop, as my two hypocritical friends did. There should be no room for such hypocrisy, and such tastelessness, on the entire planet, in my opinion. I am coming to my subject, but first I have to say a few words about the $75 it cost to watch four fights, which didn’t feature one knockout. Each fight, even the main event, is worthy of being marketed, placed in the pharmaceutical department of drug stores, and sold as a non-addictive sleeping pill. I hate to sound even cheaper than I am, but I have to be honest. I would like to have my $25 back. It would take more than two slices of pizza to make me forget not only the boring matches, but the scoring on one of the judge’s scorecards in the Mayflower-Alvarez mismatch. One of the judges, apparently, left his “seeing-eye dog” at home, scoring the fight 114-114. Either that or the proposition is actually true, that “Men are from Mars,” which I have kind of suspected every since I was a child. Anyway, I am not going to go in with any other pigeons for a while, and pay for another pay-per-view fight, unless the boxers promise not to use any gloves. After last night’s bouts, I think these gloves, today, have too much padding in them. My prediction about the outcome in the main event, of the fights last night, nevertheless, in no way detracts from the accuracy of what follows, as I delve into giving conclusive proof that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. I could use the logic of some of my liberal critics, if I was one of their lazy types, and just simply ask, “How many ‘Husseins’ do you know, who are not Muslims, and be done with it, but I am not a liberal, since I believe in using my brain. So, I am going to provide what is called proof, something liberals find unnecessary to provide, ever, on anything, which is why liberals’ conversations are the only rivals those fights last night have to worry about, in any competition, between the two, for shelf space, where sleeping pills are sold, in area drug stores. I stated, yesterday, that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, and “I won’t back down.” How many like that song with those words in it? I seem to be getting side-tracked just a bit here. Anyway, it’s one of my favorite songs. Ok, back to the subject. When I say that Obama is a Muslim, I do not mean it in the sense that Obama is a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical Muslim umbrella group, founded in 1928. In other words, I do not mean that Barack Hussein Obama has formerly joined the mother of all the radical Muslim groups today, not the least of which is Al Queda, whom you might have heard of, like, every time somebody is bombed to death on the planet. Al Queda is the Muslim group, which demanded credit for the 9/1/1 attack on the United States, the group responsible for other attacks on the United States, as well, both within this country, as well as abroad. It is, certainly, not the case that Obama has formerly joined this group, or any other radical group, and is, certainly, not the case I am making here. What I am saying is that it is beyond dispute that President Obama tilts his politics towards the propagation of Islam, and that, given Obama’s childhood background, it would be stunning if it were otherwise. In that sense, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, in politics, if not in prayer. I don’t find the proposition, stated above, all that puzzling, and, to be perfectly honest, don’t think it should be puzzling, in the least, to anyone who has read the book, “Dreams From My Father,” published in 1995. This book, you will recall, is supposed to be Obama’s autobiography, but, in truth, is nothing but a work of fiction, though it does have some important information in it that can be gleaned from all the twists, and turns, the book takes in what is, really, little more than a political cover-up of who Obama is, behind the mask he wears. My argument, simply stated, is that Obama’s background, and experiences, at the formative age, 6 to 10, in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, predisposes him to side with Islam in any dispute it has with Christianity. The argument, further, is that such a persuasion explains Obama’s insistence on the Muslim attack, on American soldiers, at Fort Hood, be labeled as “Workplace violence,” as opposed to labeling it, for instance, “JIHAD,” which is what this attack was, and what this killer, Nidal Hassan, said it was during his trial, after which a military verdict was rendered, justly calling for Hassan’s execution. I don’t think this verdict will ever be carried out, however, since there has been no such execution, ordered by a military tribunal, in this country, since 1962. It would really be interesting to see what happens if this verdict reaches President Obama’s desk before he, mercifully, leaves office, on January 20, 2017. History needs to record such an event, so this country can understand, finally, why Obama would send administration lackeys, like former UN Ambassador Susan Rice, out to misdirect the public about Benghazi, telling the American people that it was a video tape which caused the death of four Americans, in the Libyan city. It is the Obama administration’s view, apparently, that their deaths were caused by something this Christian nation did. Without this video, one is to assume, I think, that Al Queda, which carried this heinous attack out, would have insisted, instead, on its members attending Sunday School Lessons on that day, rather than killing four Americans, one of whom was an American Ambassador, dragged through the streets, after being sodomized, on the date which just happened to coincide with the 11th anniversary of the 9/1/1 attack on this country. The fact that there was no causal connection pushed in the ridiculous statements made by Rice, and others, speaks volumes about the mindset of this administration, not only of Obama, but also speaks, reflectively, of the views of his political associates, and advisors, as well as the policies of this administration as they relate to the Middle East. “Insight” magazine didn’t help bring any clarity to the situation, at hand, by erroneously asserting that Obama received some of his primary school education, while in Indonesia, from a radical madrassa school where JIHAD, or Holy War, was taught. There is absolutely no evidence that this assertion is true, nor is such necessary to make the point that Obama’s emotionality is predicated upon a predisposition favoring Islam. It is not necessary for Obama to have attended a madrassa, where instruction is given from the Koran, for him to have been influenced toward what we are presently witnessing. Being in Indonesia, which, admittedly, is a moderate Muslim country (meaning the country has not sent anyone over here to blow us up), for four years, would have incubated various latent sympathies which we see playing out, today, wherever this administration’s policies can be viewed, whether in terms of what we have seen, in this regard, in such countries as Libya, Egypt, Syria, or the United States. “Insight” magazine’s focus was wrong. The “birthers’” singular focus on where Obama was born, is also wrong. They have misunderstood why all of Obama’s records are sealed. The issue is not his birth certificate, but his dual citizenship (which, by the way, does not exclude anyone from holding the office of President, providing the person is a natural born citizen of the United Sates, which, also, means that Senator Ted Cruz did not have to give up his Canadian citizenship, as he recently did, as a result of these hypocritical liberals who were intimating it would make him ineligible to run for President, in 2016), “gaming the system,” Obama’s drug use, as well as other anti-social behaviors, in his past, and, to be sure, his poor academic performance, starting at Occident College, where he was “high” all the time he was there, which explains his grades, and, also, explains why, when we are looking at Obama’s economic policies, we can be absolutely certain that we are not witnessing the second coming of Einstein’s answers to the keys of the universe. Dr. Jerome Corsi’s book, aptly titled, “Obama Nation,” stated, “The Laotze blog, run by an American expatriate in Southeast Asia, documents that Obama registered [in a Catholic school, in Indonesia] under the name ‘Barry Soetoro,’ with serial number 203, entered the Catholic Franciscan Assisi Primary School on January 1, 1968, and was enrolled in Class 1.B. School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.” It is not in any video tape we will find why four Americans died in Benghazi, but in this President’s speech, given in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009. In that speech, Obama gave a number of feints, which emboldened the Muslim Brotherhood, intended as such. The Obama regime later overthrew two leaders in Muslim countries, Libya and Egypt, which posed no threat to the United States’ national interests, and is now threatening military strikes against Syria, headed by Bashar al-Assad, who is no Sunday School Teacher, to be sure, but who is also no butcher of Christians. That would be the rebels he is fighting against, and the ones this administration would like the U.S. military to back. I challenge anyone to explain, in any other way, other than what I have stated in this narrative, why this President played a pivotal roles in overthrowing an Egyptian secular ally, Hosni Mubarek, and another secular leader, Moammar Khadaffy, who posed no threat, and, in Khaddafy’s case, had, at the time, actually made his peace with the United States, and with the West, in general. Mubarek, for his part, kept the peace agreement put in place by former Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated for signing the Camp David Peace Accord, with Israel, the only achievement, in case you are wondering, that can be even remotely attributed to the Carter administration. Everything else President Carter did, during his four years of raising the misery index of the country, we might as well have had “Elmer Fudd” as President, or his nemesis, “Bugs Bunny.” The United States has a Muslim President in the White House, not because he attends a Mosque, or is a card carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but because, “As a man thinketh, so is he.” One need look no further for proof of the claim that the President is a closet Muslim than the incredibly bold attempt to commit military power in defense of those who were, allegedly, killed by Assad, on August 21, when there has not been any public efforts to bring those to justice who killed Americans, more than a year ago, in Benghazi. Why, one might ask?! You can run that sarin gas claim by somebody else. I know why.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 21:49:31 +0000

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