WHO IS TO BLAME MOST? In season 7 of Dexter it was interesting - TopicsExpress


WHO IS TO BLAME MOST? In season 7 of Dexter it was interesting to note that because Dexter uses his ‘code’ as a benchmark, we find that he finds himself in a bit of a dilemma in killing one of the men he is after. On tracking down the serial killing group we discover that the man who was responsible for the crimes had not ‘actually’ murdered anyone, but had only ‘egged’ the others on. This put in mind of the film The Accused with Jodie Foster, this too dealt with the question of who is ultimately responsible for the crime? This film was loosely based on a true story, where a girl was ganged raped in a bar. However the man who instigated the rape never actually took part in it. But without him there would have been no rape. (The Accused (1988) We can also see this in the 1971 real life murders of 7 people including Sharon Tate. Charles Mason was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the murders yet he never laid a finger on them. (Helter Skelter; 2004 TV movie and The Manson Family; 2003) So even if you don’t actually commit the crimes how responsible are you for them? Do you think they should be charged the same as the murderer? Or are they more answerable because without them the event may never have got started?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:28:07 +0000

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