WHO IS YOUR FATHER? Matthew 23:9 9 And call no man your father - TopicsExpress


WHO IS YOUR FATHER? Matthew 23:9 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. It is interesting to note that Jesus actually makes a commandment as absurd as the above scripture.The absurdity in it is expressed more in the fact that this scripture is one of the least regarded scripture in the bible.Majority of Christians dont obey this scripture.Is it that Jesus didnt really mean what He said? CALL NO MAN ON EARTH YOUR FATHER...: What does this statement mean? Well it can only mean what it means. Jesus does not want us to call anyone on earth our Father. He reavels the name as an exclusive to our Father in heaven. He says:...for you have only one Father,who is your Father in heaven. Jesus has identified just one,not two,but one Father.And He says this ONE is the only ONE we must call Father.Where does that leave our biological earthly fathers? It leaves them in the hands of the choices we make.What we decide it to be.We either obey what Jesus says,and deny the fatherhood of man,while accepting the Fatherhood of God,or disobey Him completely and regard man as our father. It is a norm in the Roman Catholic church to contradict whatever Jesus says.The concept of fatherhood is taken to a record height in the Roman Catholic setting. Almost everyone is a father.And it is deliberate. It is delibrate that God would say;do not make for yourselves any graven image whether of that in heaven,on earth or underneath the earth.; and the Roman Chatholic would have images of Mary,Jesus,Paul,Peter..even the image of God,if it were possible.But it is even more ludicrous when one thinks of how almost everyone is a father. Why did Jesus ask us not to call any man our Father? He wants God to be our Father.He came to give us the power to become sons of God.The power to become a son of God is in the word of God.Obey the words of Jesus and you will become a son of God.It will show forth like light.People would see it.People would talk about it.There would be something different about such a person.Some would even see something wrong in the person.Something abnormal.You cant be a son of God,in obedience to His words, and be a normal human being.Everything about you is contrary to the norm.Imagine someone getting slapped,and all he does is turn and walk away. He doesnt say a word.When he is not a zombie.You are sure to get a reaction from most people.But how many people can turn the other cheek. Jesus says:But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven,(Matthew 5:44-45). He says if you do these things,you would be known as children of your father in heaven.This is a major criteria for becoming a son of God.How do we love our enemies? Lets be honest to ourselves,it is easier to hate our enemies.We even go to church asking the same God to kill our enemies.We are not interested in being His sons.That is why we listen to the one called Paul,who is hell-bent on making sure we dont obey Jesus.Paul tells us if we do these things we shall be heaping coals of fire upon their head.(Romans 12:20).Only for the sake of vengeance.He is not interested in us becoming sons of God.That is why he prescribes a direct opposite to what Jesus says.If I love my enemies with intent to heap coals of fire upon their head,I dont truly love my enemies. But if we obey Jesus and not Paul,we shall leave peaceably with all men and be recognized as children of God.That is why Jesus came to reveal the true identity of God.He wants us to relate with Him as Father and sons.He cares for us.But we must obey the things Jesus command.If we do, we find we get steps closer to perfection than Paul would make us believe.The choice is ours.Do we continue to regard man as our father?Do we continue to call our pastors our DaddyorFather?The choice is ours. Now there are some Jesus identified as sons of the devil.These ones are like their father the devil.They are liars and murderers.So,each time we tell a lie,we automatically identify as sons of the devil.For every lie we tell,it is recorded in heaven that we are sons of the devil. But Jesus says if you love me you would obey my commandments.Do we obey His commandments.?We are here everyday arguing about the bible and about Paul,but do we argue over the issues that are going to make us perfect? Or are we not interested in perfection?Some have said it is not possible to be perfect in this flesh.They say perfection is for the life to come.But is that true?Jesus says it is a lie.Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.If you want God to be your Father,then you can be perfect.Perfection can only come if we obey the teachings of Jesus.God is a perfect God.He wants to be our Father and He has given us the guidelines to follow.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:14:14 +0000

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