WHO REALLY DISCOVERED AMERICA: SPANISH CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, CHINESE MUSLIM ADMIRAL ZHENG HE OR CENTRAL ASIAN MULIM SCHOLAR ABU RAIHAN AL-BIRUNI? Who Really First Discovered America : a Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus in 1492, a Chinese Muslim Admiral Zheng He in 1421 or a Central Asian Muslim scholar Abu Raihan al-Biruni in 1037? Every time the United States celebrates Columbus Day, a federal holiday annually on the second Monday of October in honor of Christopher Columbus, the question always arises: Who really discovered America? Since many textbooks and historical annals of the preceding five centuries give Christopher Columbus the credit for “discovery” of the new world, one might wonder why anyone would bother asking such a question. An article titled “Who Discovered America? Not Christopher Columbus, That’s for Certain” published in voices.yahoo/ , says “One would think it quite evident who discovered America. But one would be wrong, because Christopher Columbus did not discover America, no more than he proved that the world was not flat.”
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 05:34:41 +0000

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