WHO REALLY MURDERED PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ?? I see that a lot of Secret Service guys are writing about JFKs many, many women. I am convinced that he had an extreme weakness for women. Young men with promiscuous fathers and way too much money to burn will often acquire the problem. But, Lyndon Johnson was no different. I think the thread is being lined up in the media in order to present an alibi to the public as people begin putting together the pieces and connecting the dots. As you should know by now, I believe Kennedy was murdered in a coup detat at the behest of Federal Reserve bankers. And now the chickens are home to roost. The Fed is undone while many of the guilty are still alive---something they were all hoping would never happen. The History Channel The Men Who Killed Kennedy is very graphic evidence and to my lawyer mind, clear cogent and convincing. Those at the financial top ought to be afraid of an informed public. The value of stock in companies that sell rope just might rise. Kennedy WAS the President of the United States, duly elected by the people, and bankers had no right to usurp such power. The men on his car stomped away in rage after the supervisor stood in the car behind the Presidents back and ordered them with his hand signals to get off of it . They were stunned and he almost had to yell his order at them. What the hell was the man doing if it wasnt bad? I can already hear the alibi: The President was putting the entire nation at risk in the face of a Soviet threat----by forking so many women. It had nothing to do with shutting down the Federal Reserve Bank. Yeah? Then why have we all been robbed of our former wealth, and why do the banks now own it all? Kennedy tried to stop a train robbery and got killed for doing it.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:52:46 +0000

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