WHO SHALL BELIEVE OUR REPORT? ***WAKE UP PEOPLE!! **** Understand mysteries - CHANGE HAS COME!!... CHINA RIVER TURNS RED LIKE BLOOD Revelation 16:4 - 4And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. Perhaps the time of judgment has come and it is a plague on China as it was in the days of the Egyptians. China is the place of the Serpent Dragon beast who rises from the sea. The Name China in Ancient Egypt was Shenu and later became Chin-uah. The name was formerly romanized as Kinhwa, which is a city in central Zhejiang province, Peoples Republic of China were the red river appeared. Satan, the ancient devil, the Serpent Dragon (China) who deceived Adam and Eve, in the beginning, is the Ancient Pharoah of Egypt name Shenu/Chinhua, pronounced Shing-oo-ah. He is the YAHU god who will rule as YAHUAH(YAH-OO-AH). The Ancient Egyptians were Chinese people who held the Hebrews in slavery. They wore the Animal Chin, a long beard shaped like an upside down pyramid. (See photo). The modern day China-men wears a wide hat to represent the Sun god Amon-Ra and the animal chin, the pyramid. (See photo). The Dragon beast is the one.... Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped; so that he (HU) as Yis-RA-EL (Ra the Sun god) sitteth in the temple of Yashael (the Most High Elohim) shewing himself (HU) that he (HU) is YAH. [2 Thessalonians 2:4] The Son of Ab ELOAH (Father Most High), Rohi Yashael (Shepherd who saves) said: Mark 13:6 - Many will come in My Name (Israelites) saying, I AM He, and they will deceive many. And in Luke 21:8, Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in My Name claiming, I am He, and, saying The time is near. DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! Yashael spoke in the Hebrew tongue. I AM HE In Hebrew is haYAHU. The Hebrew word HU means he or himself. The Hebrew word for I AM is haYAH. Together they form the false name YAHU. HaMashiach never came as himself. He came in His Fathers Name - YASHAEL (Israel/Jacob). He said, If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. [John 5:31] Does the name YAZHOU Sun ring a bell? Sounds like IESOUS, ZEUS? Could he be the son of YAHU? Too much for me to write, seek it out! The Serpent Dragon beast will give the Camel beast (Egypt/United States) the modern day Babylonian empire, his power. For 42 months (new moons), by powers of the Dragon beast Chinu/YAHU, the Camel beast (US) will rule the world in the spirit of the Pharoah. Ever wonder why many of our merchandise is Made in China? Then haMashiach Yashael will defeat the Dragon/Camel beast in the battle of Armageddon and the One World Order will then become the New World Order (New Jerusalem). Armageddon is Hebrew and read from right to left and in English is: Addon Arma, the battlefield.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 22:13:49 +0000

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