WHO STANDS TO GAIN FROM THE KILLINGS OF BOKO HARAM? JONATHAN OR BUHARI? By Iyke Nwambie The issue of corruption has been a major contender in the current political brouhaha in the country of my birth, Nigeria. And without exception, it has eaten deep...I mean very deep into the psyche and consciousness of the average person. You find it everywhere, you perceive it in all places: the student who is planning for his or her NECO exams is worried about those who have already seen the questions before hand, the job-seeker who is hunting for a new dream-job, is worried about the futility of taking the pre-screening aptitude test because those that would be hired only need a letter of endorsement or introduction from a powerful Nigerian, the business man or woman who submits a job-quote or tender understands that the pedigree of the company is not enough, an oga at the top must still be associated with that company in some way for it to sail through, the politician who is seeking an elective position knows more than anyone else what the concept of god-fatherism really is, and the elected politician, be he or she a Legislator, Governor and even, President, must understand how to mortgage the commonwealth of the people to his or her godfathers and sometimes, godmothers too! Take for instance, when former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was asked why he did not support a candidate like the then Governor of Cross Rivers state, Mr Donald Dukes in the PDP party primaries that chose his successor-candidate (considering the visionary leadership cum achievements of Mr Donald Dukes as the Governor of Cross River state), he said, Donald Duke still needs more learnings to do...he needs to show more loyalty...we disagreed on several issues (My Watch, 2014). Now, because of his personal issues of loyalty, he failed to appreciate the readiness of such individuals to show good governance to a fledgling nation. And what did he do? He decided to foist two individuals who needed to adjust their mindsets to what leadership at the Federal level entailed...In other words, they had to learn on the job. And did he actually receive the much-coveted loyalty that he desired from his successor? Far from it! As a matter of fact, it would seem as if Alhaji Yar, Adua who was branded, baba go slow by Nigerians because of his worm-like speed to governance was specially assigned by the gods to counter and neutralize everything President Obasanjo could point to as his legacies. And after the unfortunate demise of President YarAdua, and the subsequent dislodgment of the cabal that held sway in his government, the man from Otuoke, who was loved beyond words by Nigerians because of his rags-to-riches story, President Goodluck Jonathan took up the mantle of leadership. And after a few months of dilly-dallying, thanking this person and that person, appeasing this person and that person, he eventually found his feet. And as soon as he began to act, the dreaded Boko Haram, the evil worse than the worst of corruptions, the current virus whose main tool is intimidation, stepped-up their game from being a mere religious pressure group to a monster-like political hatchet organization. They killed innocent Nigerians, they maimed christians without recourse to any caution, they attacked those muslims who dared to voice-out what a true practitioner of Islam should not do, they bombed motor parks, churches, mosques, restaurants etc. They even kidnapped innocent school girls at Chibok in an almost defenseless state, and even recently, (December, 18, 2014) they killed and kidnapped more girls, women and innocent children. And with every indication, they are set to do more, kill more, steal more and destroy more like their father, the devil! Expectedly, many Nigerians have voiced their opinions on this issue and have also recommended many solutions to the incumbent President, READ MORE AT--->>>wp.me/p4iwrZ-bL LIKE AND SHARE
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:12:22 +0000

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