WHO WAS THE PRESUMED “MUHAMMAD”? ….. Muhammad and his wife - TopicsExpress


WHO WAS THE PRESUMED “MUHAMMAD”? ….. Muhammad and his wife Khadijah called the Jewess were two cousins and disciples of the great master (rabbi) Naoufel bin Waraqa. The disciples of this master sophist Judeo-Nazarene received the appointment of sapiens (sabya[s]/sabian[s]) by the ignorant majority (the âama) from Mecca. ….. Historically the disciples of Waraqa are named between them by âammassi of the word âamss or âamed, which means anointed (the baptized), hence the pseudonym mâammed or mhamed of the appointed Qathem or Qashem the real name of the person known by Muhammad the husband of Khadijah. And even this name that had been given him by his mother Amina, the Judeo-Nazarene of the tribe Beni Nakhar, is that one of the names of the famous Savior that the Judeo-Nazarenes wanted to appear at any price. ….. The disciples of this great master cabalist Waraqa had to learn by heart the stories of the Torah and some Christian texts from young ages and prior to initiating the spiritual knowledge. This is a tradition that we find our days in North Africa but unfortunately our children are forced to be limited to a single text that’s the alleged Koran, because their fanatic instructors and the ignorant claim that this Koran includes the full texts: -Tawrat/the Torah; -Zebour/the Psalms; -Ingil/Gospel. This so-called “Koranic” text attributed to Muhammad/Qashem is the inscription and the re-enrolment of important Hebrew oral and written heritage and also the one of the Christians that the Sefarim and the New Testament give us further ideas. ….. Seeing that the tradition required the religious directives should be transmitted orally, we are very sure that this supposed Koran was the work of a group anti-Hebrew and anti-Christian, more exactly anti-Judeo-Nazarene and even more precisely anti-spirituality, and after they had murdered Qashem, they politicized the doctrine and deviated the real objective of divine message. ….. The real connoisseurs in spirituality know very well that by a certain law, discreet in Sufism, we had the right to recognize only the Torah as a divine text and more specifically the Commandments while all the comments of religious characters emerging later must not be registered but transmitted orally, in other words with the exception of the Commandments these other religious arguments should be memorized in an alive support (cerebral). ….. Besides a certain Bukhari admitted—without realizing the seriousness of his words—that following the assassination of master Waraqa, Qashem did not receive anymore revelations. We deduce that Qashem never wrote or made wrote by anyone a religious text said Koran, but he dictated a few stories of ancient texts in his own way and according to his rectification being inspired by the Judeo-Nazarenes instructions, using a Hebrew language modified which is the Arabic and using also his own topical speech that the Muslims made of them an enormous collection and named it the hadith. ….. All the intelligent beings know very well that the passages of the so-called Koran which encourage the massacre of people and the hatred of peoples and races are the work of bosses who succeeded Qashem. This was to preserve their politico-economic interests. Moreover, that kind of speech terrorist and racist is inconsistent with some words of principle received by the master Waraqa that Qashem dictated. ….. After the assassination of Qashem, the Judeo-Nazarenes found themselves again in a disastrous situation. The Muslims kept discriminating against the Judeo-Nazarenes or those Sophists who recalled the origins of the stories of Qashem. The Muslims were trying to erase all traces of spiritual links which date back to Hebrews. …..
Posted on: Mon, 03 Jun 2013 07:16:06 +0000

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