WHOEVER WE DRAW IN FACT "AS" Our humanity is "one" because we - TopicsExpress


WHOEVER WE DRAW IN FACT "AS" Our humanity is "one" because we "communicate" with the sun, that is to say, through it, we went, "as one", or "as." This, "information" that inevitably each of us, being exposed to the radiation exchange with the sun which we are also "consubstantial". It is precisely that it is a "sun". Understand here that the singular correlation another "singularity" is the "same" thereof. But the singular correlation this time a "plurality", can not be the equal of it, because there is just not in this case, formation of "two", and then it is in this singular equivalence of a plurality of the "sun" of it, ie the representation of the plurality of an element that remains "only" Latin "solus", the substantive form "solis "given our word for" sun. " The king, sole representative of the plurality of its people, so the sun was of his people, that also recalls the Latin form "Rex", evoking a manifestation of Re, the Egyptian sun. By saying "Sun King", Louis XIV was only reaffirming that he was "King". Being exposed to the radiation, it establishes a "flow" of information under "electromagnetic" form between the sun and us, that reflects the "cyclical" nature of the resolution of the sine wave phenomenon, in which the positive alternation of the sine wave is an "incident" information flow, and the negative half cycle, an excess flow of this information. This means that according to this movement, we make a portion of the incident flux from the sun, and we réémettons as surplus, the rest of the flow to the same sun. The formality of the exchange with the sun occurs in our skin, for which nature has endowed us with a substance for this purpose, the "melanin", a "black" pigment, which the fact is to be both the more absorbent and more emissive, given that for a given element, the absorption coefficient is equal to the coefficient of emission. The protection offered by the melanin then lies in the fact that when it is contained in large quantities in the skin, and when the solar flux is important in summer when in the tropics, the incident flux is easily absorbed without damage in tissues, and the excess is meanwhile promptly "reissued" ... Let us be aware that melanin is absolutely not an impediment to the penetration of sunlight into the skin as many still believe, but on the contrary, as a substance which are more absorbent, a facilitation of the penetration incident she to prompt the retransmission in excess, thereby producing a "mirror effect". Communication of each of us with the sun, and since it is the same sun for us all, automatically leads to a communication between us all through it. This is according to it "happens" to us, and we found and registered dan "time" we "are." Communicate with each other is vital we ... Note in this connection that black people "communicate" benefit than whites, and they appear spontaneously and, more solidarity, which is initially positive, provided people, their people have conversely less "d autonomy "than white people. It is therefore much more vulnerable to malfunctions that may occur in their society. And it is precisely this feature that explains the enormous difficulty for the people of Africa, to get out of the turmoil in which they are immersed, that is to say, the fact of their dissolute companies ... That said, if they are doing and they are likely to return a positive cohesion, because of their great communication, they will find a great collective efficacy, which was one of the builders of the pyramids ... Our communication with the sun is also explained by the fact that in successive stages, we make it ... Indeed, through photosynthesis, plants store finally make solar energy "as" that of molecules known as "carbohydrates" or "carbs", which are the form Cn (H2 O) p wherein C is carbon, and H2 O, of course, water, ie a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Under the action of the sun, the plant breaks the water molecule that absorbs through its roots, then binds the hydrogen molecule obtained with the molecule of carbon dioxide, CO2, it absorbs air, thereby producing carbohydrates, and then rejects the oxygen from the water. These carbohydrates are the basis of many compositions which are the energy reserves which we are made, and more, related to the nitrogen atoms are in complex compositions, "protein" which we are made so that both by the molecules we are made, by the energy reserves that we contain within us, we are essentially made up of solar energy in the form, and it is in this sense that we are consubstantial him .. . Paris, August 14, 2013 Richard Pulvar
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:36:54 +0000

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