WHOLISTIC ATLAS | DANGERS OF PREMARIN | CANCER Years ago Dr. G was working in Cape Cod, Massachusetts in a town called Hyannis. He had a private practice in the center of the medical district. He was two blocks away from Cape Cod Hospital and was surrounded by ENT, skin, and baby doctor offices. He had a naturopathic office and he had it for over 10 years. One day a woman came to him with breast cancer, she had just been diagnosed and she wanted to know what Dr. G could do to cure her. Dr. G said, “Look, I can’t treat cancer. That’s against the law in the United States.” When Dr. G looked over her chart, he saw that she was taking the medicine Premarin. Premarin is a synthetic hormone made from two part horse hormone and one part human hormone. It got the name Premarin because the horse hormones are manufactured from the urine of pregnant mares. This woman was taking horse hormones, yet naturopathic doctors are labeled as quacks. Premarin was the largest selling medicine in the United States for almost 30 years and it was delivered for a non-medical condition, menopause. By the way, menopause is not a disease. Its a time of life. The MDs have convinced hundreds of thousands, if not millions of women all across the country with non-medical conditions to take horse hormone and she was one of them. She was taking Premarin and one of the top side effects were breast cancer. She has been taking Premarin for two years and the tumor was discovered in the last two months. Well, it looks like Premarin has a direct effect on the body. She agreed and then she stopped taking it. Four weeks later she goes back to her oncologist for a follow-up and the tumor’s gone. Not only was the tumor gone but her fibrocystic breast condition had completely cleared up. What Dr. G did was he gave her vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements. He changed her diet and gave her homeopathic medicine to boot in addition to telling her that if it were him, he would stop taking the Premarin. Dr. G couldn’t tell her to do so directly because he wasn’t licensed to prescribe Premarin in Massachusetts, but nevertheless she got the message and she stopped it. Four weeks later, the problem was gone. It was such a remarkable change. The patient was even describing that while on her gown, sitting at the table, the nurse came in and handed the doctor the brand-new mammogram that they had just taken. The doctor looked at it for a minute, then he threw it down. The doctor scolded the nurse for bringing him the wrong film because hed never seen such a dramatic change. He thought it couldnt possibly be the same patient. Guess what?, it was. Did he apologize to the nurse? We don’t think so. Did he call Dr. G to find out what he did? No Why? We can only postulate why. Maybe it’s because MDs have been brainwashed to believe that if they werent taught it in medical school, its just not so. Even though they have direct evidence over and over again that the holistic therapeutic carries water and works, they turn a blind eye to it. It never ceases to amaze me when this kind of stuff happens. There was another breast cancer patient, same situation, except this woman had conventional treatment. She had chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and radiation treatment. She was in a support group at a local hospital with other breast cancer women who had the same therapeutic intervention. She was the only one that did vitamins and diet in that support group and she was the only one that is still alive today. Ladies and gentlemen, medicine in the United States is not results driven. It’s profit driven. Find out more information on Holistic therapeutics that actually work for most chronic health problems. Take your health back now. We offer a full health and wellness program on how to achieve optimal health. If you are experiencing any type of illness or disease, we have solutions that get to the root of the problem. Check us out at Wholistic Atlas, sign up for our holistic health program and obtain a FREE video pertaining to your particular health condition. holisticatlas/1-2. Check out our blog section for more great health articles: holisticatlas/?p=8168 Dr. G show from 04-20-14(01).
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:13:49 +0000

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