WHOLISTIC ATLAS | DETACHED RETINA | BAD VISION | ACNE When It Comes To Vision Problems, The MDs Are Clueless To The Cause. Dr. G talks with a caller (Chantelle) from California about a vision problem. Her 24-year old son recently went to the eye doctor and was told that he had bad vision. His retina in one eye is almost detached. The doctors say that this happened because his eyeglass prescription was very strong. Additionally, he also has acne problems. Well, that’s the stupidest thing weve ever heard. The MDs said that the retina detached because his vision is bad. That is crazy. That’s like saying you got a flat tire because the spark plug was bad. It has nothing to do with it. Now, Dr. G did an entire webinar about this on eye health. This webinar is available when you sign up for our holistic medical nutrition program. However, the basic nuts and bolts of this is that there is a little nerve that comes off of your brain and it goes to the muscles in your eye. If the nerve coming off of the brain going to the muscles in the eye is constricted, the nerve impulses to the eye are going to be funky. When the nerve impulses to the eye are funky, the vision is going to be funky. Hence, the health of the eye is going to be funky because its not the way that nature intended it to be. Also, if the eyes run out of the nutrients that they need to maintain their structure and function, the eyes are going to start to fail. You don’t get a detached retina because you have bad vision, you get a detached retina and you get bad vision because your body is unbelievably undernutrified. In this case his eye is the weak link and that’s where his body is breaking. With some people their bones break, some people it’s their kidneys, and with others it’s their eyes or whatever. From the correct point of view both of these things would be considered chronic undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies and if this is happening to him in his 20s, it’s going to get worse. With regards to acne, the most common cause of it is elevated levels of sugar in the blood for too long. Sugar is the gasoline of the body. You couldn’t blink an eyelash without sugar. Your DNA is made from sugar. Sugar is not the enemy. Sugar is your friend. The problem with sugar is how much of it is in the body at any moment in time. The amount of sugar that theyve introduced into the food chain here in United States, North America and Europe is crazy. Do you know why they had to put so much sugar in the food here? It’s because the food taste like crap. Do you know why the food tastes like crap? It’s because it’s grown in soil that’s become demineralized. Modern agricultural procedures have completely wiped out the soil so the food that’s growing in the soil now is anemic, and anemic food tastes like crap. Hence, in order just to have people swallow stuff down, they’re going to add sugar to it to make it taste better because they wouldnt buy it otherwise it. Its a big catch 22. When theres too much sugar in the body and the bodys ability to metabolize sugar has been compromised, you get sugar lingering in the blood for way too long. When sugar lingers in the blood for way too long one of the side effects of that is acne. This is because there is bacteria in the skin, and when there is too much sugar in the blood for too long a period of time it feeds the bacteria and you get an outbreak of acne. Its just that simple. Now, sometimes for teenagers or people in their early 20s, acne can also be related to hormones and if thats the fact then we need to address the liver, but with comprehensive holistic medical nutrition. We can tell you exactly what to do in order to optimize the structure and function of the eyes and support and promote healthy blood sugar. Find out more information on Holistic therapeutics that actually work for most chronic health problems. Take your health back now. We offer a full health and wellness program on how to achieve optimal health. If you are experiencing any type of illness or disease, we have solutions that get to the root of the problem. Check us out at Wholistic Atlas, sign up for our holistic health program and obtain a FREE video pertaining to your particular health condition. holisticatlas/1-2. Check out our blog section for more great health articles: holisticatlas/?p=8047 Dr. G show from 06-12-14(01).
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:23:53 +0000

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