WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO Its my favorite day of the blessed week Wipe - TopicsExpress


WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO Its my favorite day of the blessed week Wipe Your Slate Clean Monday after Easter Sunday and your true Father sacrificed his only son to horrific torture, humiliation and death and so that you are forgiven for ALL sins you only need to ask. I dont care if you robbed a preacher yesterday and relapsed on dope with the money, slept with your brothers wife, or committed armed robbery five minutes ago as by the power invested in me by my only Boss Man God I am granting you the freedom to become independent of your demons of affliction. You are being selfish and working for the devils team by allowing guilt, shame and regret to keep you stuck in a cycle of destruction that effects everyone around you. Let your self pity holding you captive go. What others think of you is none of your freaking business. What others have done to you needs to be let go. Who cares- you trust God to deal with them. You man up and rip off the labels that society brands you with even your own family and label your own being. Get on your Knees right now and tell God that you are ready to be used as his tool. Your purpose that you were created for is what everyones is you are meant to be a teacher. All of us have a gift to pass off to the ones struggling a little more than we are. You find someone that you admire and begin to mirror them until their habits become yours, always keeping what God asks of you at top focus which is simply to be LOVE. BEING LOVE is not allowing yourself to be used up by humanity- being love is adding positivity to those around you and planting seeds of wisdom that God has enlightened you to. No fear of anyones judgment but Gods. Get your butt out of bed and take a shower my friends and play this AMAZING SONG as you read the words of Gods message. You are his child! Jesus kicked it with the sinners, the poorest of the poor as their testimony of change, courage, unwaivering faith were the ones that would inspire the world. And haters you move out the way of my friends and let them become all they were created for. Tomorrow is not promised and if you die today knowing that you held someone down by shaming them then shame on you we know that when you are naked in front of God you will not look perfect and its the ones of us that gave this life our best shot and showed our fellows no matter who they were respect that God will welcome with open arms. People stop lusting for money. I have lived extremely wealthy and I can promise you that there was no peace around me no matter how much you make it will never be enough. Love of money is another addiction that makes us feel dissatisfied and empty. How society got things all twisted that money is of any value or reflection of a persons success in life to God is beyond my understanding. It must be that society is not focused on God. It embarrass me for people who show themselves as a big deal because they have money. I am pink in the face for a few people who just crossed my mind and I praise God that my value system was jolted back into place by God humbling me in prison. I feel such inner peace now that I am no slave to money and wanting wanting wanting. Everyone here is the solution to getting past your guilt, shame, and regret you need only to replace it with love thy neighbor service work as well as thanking God each day for the blessings that you have. You cant truly gets past your past without putting action behind the words of asking God for forgiveness. You have to replace the bad behaviors with good ones. I love you my Facebook Family! NO REGRETS EVERYTHING IS A LESSON NOT A MISTAKE. YOUR PAST NO LONGER DEFINES YOU IN ANY WAY if you let this song take hold of you. Deb Hatch you focus on this song that you know I love and BE LOVE do not be a door mat.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:23:39 +0000

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