WHOOP! Here it comes. A rant. But no worries people - its a rant - TopicsExpress


WHOOP! Here it comes. A rant. But no worries people - its a rant to myself. It is TIME to get thy shit together...the poop in a group....shit or get off the pot. Being raised in the family that takes the top award for sticking the head in the sand and pretending nothing is wrong makes it a constant battle to stay on track physically and mentally....I learned my lessons well. I have allowed myself to slide backwards so far that ONE FREAKING mile on the eliptical takes me 24 minutes? AT A RESISTANCE SETTING OF TWO?????? Seriously. The thought of doing ONE burpee makes me want to puke. And I at one time did 100+ in a day during a challenge! I have been making excuses, telling myself all kinds of lies, procrastinating and beating myself down for the past six plus months and in that time I have knocked myself back to the physical condition I was in two plus years ago. Its RIDICULOUS! The only decent exercise I have been getting is walking and playing with my dogs and that is no where near what I need. I have worked my way back into continual negative self talk, and I cant do it kind of shit. That is so NOT ME :( My left shoulder has became so frozen that when I go to reach for something or hand something to someone I look like an 80 year old woman because it hurts so bad and I actually sometimes use my right hand to hold my arm up. RIDICULOUS! I am not drinking enough water, I am eating too much sodium laden food and everything on me is sore...just like it USED to be! My feet hurt, my back hurts, my neck hurts, my knees hurt. Did I say RIDICULOUS yet? In turn - I let it make me ornery and impatient (lol, more than usual) and I dont properly serve anyone - not my husband, my dogs, my family, the non profit and the people and animals in it that have become so dear to me, my co-workers and my clients and I also use those excuses to allow others to take advantage of me when I normally would not put up with it. Oh and my productivity? SUCKS. Soooooooooooo, it is time to get this train back on track and get my shit together. EXTRA movement EVERY SINGLE day. FOOD DIARY. ACCOUNTABILITY. Getting back to basics and just moving - stretching, sweating, something - whatever I feel like doing but NOT NOTHING. NONE OF NOTHING! If anyone wants to get on the GET YER SHIT TOGETHER train with me just say the word. We can team up and support each other, share what works, share ideas, be support, whatevs! I am not talking about PERFECT - I will not strive for perfect because it just isnt going to happen. Just BETTER - and give myself a little freaking credit and move toward MORE BETTER and LESS BAD! PEACE LOVE AND JOY PEOPLE! PEACE, LOVE AND JOY
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:43:28 +0000

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