WHOSE WHO, JUST WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS... The story is told of a jockey who won more races than anybody else. When asked how he did it, he said before every race he went into the stables and read this poem to his horse:ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE; HORSES THAT LOSE ARE MADE INTO GLUE! -Daily Devotional, The Word For You Today, First Baptist Church Covington...My mind became analytical when I began to think about the jockeys poem as I read this cute story in my mind I compared THIS to people. The title of todays devotional is HARD WORK,Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the LORD, not men. EPH 6:7 NIV. See, we spend so much time trying to IMPRESS each other and live by EACH others standards that we forget, IT IS NOT ABOUT US. If we keep our focus on the LORD and not man, he will do the escalating and exalting. I must agree with my devotional,Fourtunately, GOD doesnt take that approach with us as the jockey did with his horses. CUTE story but relative truth to how people can be. When we are winning for people We are accepted, they will put you high on a pedestal in the whose who crowd, as long as you are doing what they want you to do. Stop doing things PEOPLES WAY and just like those horses, you may find yourself in the factory to become GLUE AND the pedestal will be the wood used to ignite the fire..Only what we do for the LORD will last..You may get 15mins of fame, a one hit wonder, FOLLOWED by a WHERE are they now with people..I AM GLAD GOD IS IN CONTROL...When he does the escalating and exalting it lasts a lifetime. Find JESUS, believe in him and GREATER is our rewards in heaven. WE CAN HAVE HEAVEN ON EARTH AS WELL...it is all written in the book...DID YOU READ IT TODAY?
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:53:14 +0000

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