....WHRE ARE YOU TODAY?!!.. HOWS THE WEATHER IN THRE??!!... im sure youve heard, read, viewd some of these: . ....the FLASHFLOOD tht rampaged and wiped out some areas n CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY!... ....TROPICAL DEPRESSION tht hit BUTUAN CITY and CARAGA REGION!... ....7.8 magnitude earthquake tht flattened historical 16th century churches n BOHOL and ruined the BELL TOWER of world-renowned BASILICA DEL STO. NIÑO DE CEBU n CEBU CITY.... .....the unimaginable wide devastation caused by the DEADLIEST STORM ever recorded n history tht left TACLOBAN CITY and d VISAYAS lost countless lives, homeless, and starvng... .....the unprecedented HEAVY RAIN for days tht causes FLASHFLOODS in the MIDDLE EAST??!!!....yes, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA n particular... ....visible land mass tht surfaced after underwater volcanic eruptions occurd near JAPAN and SRI LANKA!... ....after hundred of recorded AFTERSHOCKS, BOHOL and CEBU, AGAIN!, trembled with a 4.5 manitude yestrday...this tme, it s also felt n CENTRAL MINDANAO!!!... to think its still 2013!... was it last year tht JAPAN rocked with a 7.9 magnitude EARTHQUAKE?!!!.. ....bdway, yestrdays quake also felt n thre....the RING OF FIRE huh??!!!... HURRICANE KATRINA that wracked the US of A!!!... ...a twister also n DENVER, COLORADO??!... back n 2000, we(got a date tht time!;-))] stunned upon learnng tht all the 7 theaters n SM CINEMA-CEBU shown jst one...n a week tme for FREE!!!....a documentary film by @algore...#THEINCOVENIENTTRUTH!!!....now, little by little i realize n undrstnd WHY... I didnt meant to scare...i even have a second thought of posting this. but u see, its HAPPENING!!!... THE SIGNS OF TIME is glaring nfront of US! the END OF DAYS s INEVITABLE!!!.... arent u wonderng y thres alrdy some sort of GLOBAL WARMING/ CLIMATE CHANGE SUMMITS??!! SAVE MOTHER EARTHS DAY??!!!... scientists, governments, clebrties etc etc clamor for immediate remedy/solutions??!!!... ...planting of trees, using organic materials for packaging...savng potable water??!!!PUFFFF!... better yet, telling industrializd countries, CHINA whos on top, to shut off their factories tht emit CARBON MONOXIDES!..,ARABS to stop pumping/sucking oil!!!... one last thing...embrance yourself for YEAR 2020!!!... #justsharing #theimconvenienttruth @algore g o o d e v e n i n g ! ! ! . . .
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:13:28 +0000

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