WHY ABBAS CANNOT RECOGNIZE ISRAEL as a Jewish State: Among the - TopicsExpress


WHY ABBAS CANNOT RECOGNIZE ISRAEL as a Jewish State: Among the “Palestinian papers” released to the world via wikileaks, there is one called “ Talking Points on Recognition [sic] of Jewish State.” In this paper the Palestinian Authority spokesperson details the reasons for not accepting Israel as a Jewish state. Among them : “Recognizing the Jewish state implies recognition of a Jewish people and recognition of its right to self-determination….Those who assert this right also assert that the territory historically associated with this right of self-determination (i.e., the self-determination unit) is all of Historic Palestine. Therefore, recognition of the Jewish people and their right of self-determination may lend credence to the Jewish people’s claim to all of Historic Palestine.” THE CORE ISSUE OF THE CONFLICT: The issue of Israel’s existence as a Jewish State is the very core of the conflict. If Abbas, or any other Muslim leader for that matter, were to agree that Israel is a Jewish state, he would be in opposition to the Islamic religious concepts of “defense of Muslim lands” and of non-Muslims as dhimmi. THE MUSLIM RELIGIOUS APARTHEID IDEOLOGY of the supremacy of Islam: If Abbas were to acknowledge that Israel is a Jewish state, then he would have acknowledged that Jews have the right to political self-determination and national self-realization, just what he claims for the Palestinians, and just what the Qur’anic concept of dhimmitude denies to Jews. Arab leaders don’t want to do that because that would strengthen the Israeli argument for Israel’s just demand of those same rights (FrontPage Magazin, July 26, 2011). MUHAMMED DECLARED that capture of a territory owned by others makes it a permanent capture, and any attempt to reclaim the captured land would be treated as an “hostile occupation of Allah’s land.” HAMAS CHARTER: Article Eleven: The Strategy of Hamas: Palestine is an Islamic Waqf: The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it. No Arab country nor the aggregate of all Arab countries, and no Arab King or President nor all of them in the aggregate, have that right, nor has that right any organization or the aggregate of all organizations, be they Palestinian or Arab, because Palestine is an Islamic Waqf throughout all generations and to the Day of Resurrection. This applies for all countries conquered by Islam by force. See also PLO Charter. HOWEVER, The “Mandate for Palestine” implicitly DENIES ARAB CLAIMS TO NATIONAL POLITICAL RIGHTS IN THE AREA IN FAVOUR OF THE JEWS; the mandated territory WAS IN EFFECT RESERVED FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE FOR THEIR SELF DETERMINATION and POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. In the "Mandate for Palestine" there is no granting of political rights to... Arabs, only civil and religious rights, because political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed in four other parallel mandates for Arab peoples, initially - in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq - and later, Transjordan" (Palestinian Arab Self-Determination By Eli. E. Hertz). israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/170994 "The haughty eyes of man will be humbled, and the height of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted on that day. For the Lord of Hosts has a day over everyone proud and high, and over everyone exalted, and he shall become humble" (Isaiah 2:11-12).
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 07:32:22 +0000

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