WHY ARE THE HINDUS ANGRY? In Srinagar, a Muslim women’s - TopicsExpress


WHY ARE THE HINDUS ANGRY? In Srinagar, a Muslim women’s organisation- the Dukhtaran-e-millat (DEM) vows to impose the strict Islamic code on women through violence and declares that it is in the interest of women. The leader of this outfit, Asiyah Andrabi, was jailed several times for working against the Nation & for being a conduit for money to jihadi groups who used that help to kill many Hindus and create disaffection among people against India. The US State Department Report of 1995 held a Dukhtaran-e-millat activist responsible for a parcel bomb blast at the BBC office in Srinagar in which one person was killed and two injured. The DEM has been linked to certain money laundering cases. Andrabi was booked under Prevention of Terrorist Act (POTA) for receiving ISI money through Hawala channels mostly through Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Oman & Doha. She was never subjected to Narco test nor did the Media feel anything bad about her. Instead, Women’s groups interviewed her, called her the “NEW FACE OF MUSLIM FEMINISM”, and glossy Magazines splashed her interviews with a tinge of revolutionary romanticism. For Indian seculars, the Srinagar crowd working against India brings added fizz, a thrill and a heroism that has to be understood rather than condemned. Serious academic columns are published saying that if they are so passionately and aggressively pursuing separatism, why shouldn’t we give Kashmir valley to them? It’s only when a lady monk is killed in Kandhamal or arrested in Nashik and appears to be wearing Saffron rather than Green that expressions become stern, the law becomes the guiding force, Narco tests are immediately ordered and before anything can be even remotely established the person is pronounced guilty. No women’s organisation came out openly to say she is a woman and hence the police must protect her honour and religious obligations at all cost. Her father said she is innocent. No one gave any importance to that statement. She even co-operated during the Narco test and nothing incriminatory was proved. The bike, the RDX the targets- nothing was proved. Yet, she was tortured in police custody. The women’s commission that swung into action when an item girl used it to get cheap publicity and hot assignments maintained a studied silence. The Human Rights Commission remained unfazed and the red sirens of the Marxist class looked the other way. They had been demanding a pardon for Afzal although the Supreme Court convicted him. But the issues involved were of secular nature, hence they had to speak. Nobody knows what Pragya actually did or didn’t do. She had to be severely dealt with just because the colour she wore was not registered as secular in the government’s registry of protection where rapists, extortionists and scandalous criminals get cabinet berth and a murder-accused jailbird becomes the Chief Minister for being on the correct side politically. First they said an army officer used sixty kilograms of RDX to blow up the SAMJHAUTA EXPRESS. Then the denial came, no RDX was used, it was ammonium nitrate, or perhaps IEDs (IMPROVISHED EXPLOSIVES DENICES). Then the Mecca Masjid blasts were linked to Malegaon, then the Hyderabad police issued an official statement that nothing had been found to link the two. The Motorbike, the disfigured numbers on the chassis, the absconding person, the real mastermind, the saffron guru..... Even the Kanchi Shankaracharya was arrested, and charges like rape, murder, financial fraud and womanising were levelled against him. But nothing happened afterwards. But the damage to the great seat of Hindus reverence had been done. After Kanchi and Kandhamal murders, a new tool in the form of Hindu terrorism has been crafted. Not a single Hindu will ever condone terrorism. If someone does it, he is guilty of doing an un-Hindu act. Anyone caught and proven guilty must be severely dealt with. But why humiliate the Majority community that defines the character of a nation for election gains? Just one incident and look how Batla house terrorism, Jamia’s protective belligerence, Assam blasts, Pakistani flags being carried in Bodo areas of Assam by the Muslim infiltrators, the Ram Setu destruction and affidavits that humiliate the Hindus, everything got under cover. Only the newly manufactured “HINDU TERRORISM” is reigning in the national debate as a new fashion statement. The invention of “HINDU TERRORISM” helped the government get out of a defensive shell and extraordinarily active to crack a whip against the “bad elements”. It had never displayed this action-oriented thrill when the Delhi blasts occurred or the Jaipur blasts which claimed more than hundred lives. They said, terror has no religion hence these blasts, though done with a holy book surrounded by AK-47s, and long quotes from it to justify the blasts and the killings of Hindus shouldn’t be sourced to religion. These must not be explained away as Islamic terror, like just the work of some misguided people who are giving a bad name to a peaceful, brotherly way of worship. I was really wondering as to what would be the state of affairs, in the country if the same congress comes to power & allow the Nehru-Gandhi families to rule over us. I was at my late father’s house, the whole flat was been cleaned up after my mother’s death there were many old books belonging to my late father, also there were many written note books of my father & my late grand-father, one such note book came into my procession & i took home to read late in the night. I had my dinner with my brother & sisters & i retreated to my bedroom after having chats with my family members. I opened the book & was surprised to know that it was written by my late uncle who had served in the ministry as Press officer. Below is not my own written story but that it was written by my late uncle, when they had fled Sialkot which is now in Pakistan. We are still clueless in Kashmir, if only we would sometimes think of Kashmir when it is not in crisis we might find a permanent solution. But, like some secret, unmentionable disease we like to forget about Kashmir until there is trouble on the border, some terrible massacre or some new political drama. So our attention is currently totally focused on Srinagar because Farooq Abdullah’s demand for greater autonomy for the state received, last week, the fullest support of the Jammu Kashmir legislative assembly: only sixteen of the eighty-seven legislators voted against the resolution. How did this happen, we gasp, what could have gone so wrong that our favourite Kashmiri leader should suddenly be talking in a language that sounds like secession? In the fifty years we have spent trying to hang on to Kashmir we have learnt to mistrust all talk of autonomy. It’s one of those words that, when used in a Kashmiri context, makes us forget the terrible mistakes made by our so called secularists leaders of the congress & the entire Nehru families. I was once in the research & Analysis Room of the Indian Government, in which there are many secrets which were not known to common man due to security of the country. I stumbled upon one file which contained many secret deals made by the Government of that day & was so astonished to know many secret deals made by the Nehru families. Below i give some account of the story of sad Partition of India, which was the saddest part in the history of our country. The British & the Americans along with the Muslim League & the Nehru families along Jinnah & his sister Fatima were the main culprits of Partition of India. Below is the portion written by late Guru gowalkarji of RSS, just read what the Guruji had to say about Nehru & some of the congress who were in league with Nehru who were trying to impressed Gandhiji to declare his support to Nehru & not to Late Sardar Patel. (If Gandhiji had not declared his support to Nehru than I am sure that India today would had been in a much better & stronger Position, as Late Sardar Patel would had made our Army much stronger that we would had not faced the humiliation that we faced during the Indo-Sino war.) Delhi was in the throes of rioting when i reached the city on 15th September 1947. Our train was rerouted and detained at Meerut for 24 hours because of the riots. Muslims were fleeing the city as Hindus & Sikhs had been doing from West Punjab. It was like the replay of some bloody drama, only it seemed that the victims had changed. As the Hindus & Sikhs were not safe on the streets of Delhi, most of them were moved away from the city of Delhi. The Muslim Rioters went to the residences of diplomats in search of Muslim cooks and bearers, and this was done intentionally to scare away the Hindus & Sikhs who were dying of hunger. Than too nobody from the congress came out in support & provided food to the Hindu & Sikh victims. The majority of the Troops in Delhi were Muslims & they were partial to their own Muslims. Late Sardar Patel & late Rajendra Prasad reacted strongly to Jawaharlal Nehru’s proposal to reserve certain areas in Delhi as residential areas for the Muslims. Nehru wanted to employ Muslims to protect the Muslims & also Nehru wanted to employ Muslims to protect the Hindus & Sikhs who had fled west Punjab. A few years later when I as the Home Ministry Information Officer was part of the team escorting Late Dr. Rajendra Prasad after his retirement to Patna his home town, he confirmed that he had written a letter to Nehru to warn him that “his(Nehru) proposal would lead to undesirable & unexpected results in which the Muslims would kill many Innocent Hindu females & even they would raped these poor Hindu females, but that stupid Nehru did not heed my written letter, in the end many of our Hindus were the real Victims of that Nehru Policies.” I was in Nepal for a private visit, at the request of my old long time friend, who was also like one of our family members. I was just returning back after having visited the Famous Hindu Temple in Nepal popularly known as Pashupatinath Mandir, I had just stepped inside the house, that I saw a person who was of 65 to 70 years old in age. My friend introduced him to me as Brigadier D.... (Name withheld due to some secrecy he did not wanted to be named) a retired Army officer who had fought the 1962 Indo-China war. I was really thrilled to meet an Army officer of that most in-famous battle in which we lost the war due to many lop-sided Policies of the than Prime Minister Nehru & the Most un-patriotic defence Minister Krishna Menon, who was from Kerala. After the customary Introduction he took an old note book & handed over to me saying “I want you to read & write a book on 1962 Indo-China debacle in which we lost the war due to many lop-sided Policies of Nehru, Krishna Menon & Gen.(Retired) B.M.Kaul”. I asked him “why do you want me to write the book, you could have written it during your time when the war was over”. He went on narrate me the whole episode leading to his running away from his own country & settling down over in Nepal since the last 25 to 30 years. “I do know that I could had written it when I retired from the Indian Army, but I was not knowing that many among the congress & the Civil Bureaucrats who were a part of that war would trained their Guns on me & my Family. I trusted one of the Journalist who was a friend of mine, but when I trusted him & told him that I was planning to write a book on that in-famous Indo-China war, he gave my information to the chief secretary in the then Prime Minister Late Nehru’s office, many plainclothes Policemen were planned near my house & every move of mine was traced, with whom I was meeting, where I was going & above all my wife & my Children were also harassed by the Police & IB Officers, I then decided to run away from My country India & the nearest Hindu Country was Nepal, so I decided to first send my wife & my children to Nepal, where I had a friend who was also with me in the Army, one night without taking any heavy luggage, I moved out hidden inside the back of a car & made my way to Delhi Railway station, I took the Sealdah Express which was about to leave Delhi for Kolkata, I arrived in Kolkata the next afternoon & waited at the station itself & in the night I caught the Darjeeling Mail which leaves Sealdah at 20.40 hrs for New Jalpaiguri, & from there I went to Darjeeling by bus & in the dark of the night I sneaked inside Nepal. Today I am alive due to many kind hearted people who gave me all the possible help in building my new life here in Nepal”. I was deeply moved by the way our brave soldiers had been treated by the same Congress Government & the traitor family of Nehru-Gandhi (I am not mentioning the Family of late Mahatma Gandhi, Late sardar Vallabh bhai Patel & late Lal Bahadur Shastriji). I did not give him any assurance as to wheatear I would write the story to which he said “I leave it upon you to decide, but first just read my book & I am sure that as you read more deeper you will understand that what were main reason that lead to the defeat of the Indian Army during their war with China in 1962.” I thanked him & after some few days stay in Nepal I took leave from my friend & arrived into Delhi, I went home & after some few days I decided to read the book given to me in Nepal. I told my wife & my daughter that I should not be disturbed till I come out of my study-room all on my own. I was angrier & that bitter with the Nehru & all the congress people as to how they suppressed all the vital information which was given to Nehru by the IB. It was that bitterness that made my heart stronger & that I decided to write the book & make the people of Hindustan to see all the blunder mistakes that Nehru & Krishna Menon & Gen B.M.Kaul & yes it was the mistake which is popularly known even today as “HIMALAYAN BLUNDER”. Below is the story that was written by the Brigadier D...... who was the Brigadier in Command of 7th Brigade during the Indo-China war of 1962. This was written in a prisoner of war camp in Tibet on a cold bleak night. On the night of 21st November 1962, I was woken up, by the Chinese Major in charge of my solitary confinement with shouts of “good news- good news” he told me that Sino-Indian war was over and the Chinese Government had decided to withdraw from all the areas which they had overrun, in their lightning campaign. When I asked the reason for this decision he gave me this Peking inspired answer: “India and China have been friends for thousands of years and have never fought before, China does not want war with Hindustan. It is the reactionary of Indian Government that was bent on war. So the Chinese counter-attacked in self-defence and liberated all our territories in NEFA and Ladakh, in just one month. Now we have decided to go back as we do not want to settle the border problem by force. We have proved that you are no match for the Mighty China”. He concluded with his supercilious and patronising remark. “We hope that now the Indian Government under that Stupid Nehru will now see sense & come to the conference table at once so that 1,200 Million Indians & Chinese can get on with themselves very well & get along with each other National Development plans & halt the western Imperialism”. This kindergarten homily was, is & would always remains, the most humiliating moments of my seven month captivity and indeed of my life. That night I experienced a wave of bitter anger for my Government & bitter shame for my country. In my grief I took a solemn vow that one fine day I would tell the whole truth about how we let ourselves reach such a sorry pass. With time heavy on my hands, as I had no radio, newspapers or books, I brooded over India’s humiliation and the fate of my command. I was repatriated, along with all the other officers & Jawans on 4th May 1963. We reached Barrackpore, the military airport at Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) at mid-day but could not land there and were diverted to Dum Dum Airport. We deplaned and were greeted with correct Military protocol tinged with chill reserve. It was only later that we found out that we had to clear ourselves of the charge of having brain-washed – a strange charge from the same Government who fooled the Indian People which the same Government itself had been brainwashed into championing China’s cause for more than decade. Without a doubt the prisoners had been declared outcasts. Apparently we should have atoned for the pass national sins of omission & commission with our lives. Our repatriation was embarrassing as the National spotlight had again shifted & had been focused on the Indo-Sino Conflict. From the tarmac we were herded straight to the custom enclosure where a sprightly team of appraisers has assembled to examine our luggage. They had been told that some Indians had arrived from Hong Kong and were waiting to confiscate transistors and opium. I knew than that there has been no material change in Indian Government and that we were back in the same old groove. After a cursory and stereotyped de-briefing at Ranchi, I was ordered to meet the Chief of Army Staff, Gen. J.N.Chaudhuri at Delhi on 15th May 1963. He asked me to write a report for the personal information of the un-faithful Defence Minister. The aim was to teach ourselves how not to hand over a brigade on a plate to the Chinese in future. He added that we Indians have become the laughing stock of the countries..... I do feel deeply ashamed to name those countries. I welcomed the opportunity afforded by the Chief’s instruction for a personal report as this would give me a chance to collect my thoughts. The basic facts had been branded into my memory. To make doubly sure, I had many sessions with Lt-Col. Rikh, Commanding Officer of 2 Rajputs and Lt-Col. B.S. Ahluwalia, Commanding Officer of 1/9 Gorkhas, Major R.O. Kharbanda and Capt. T.K. Gupta of my staff. We recounted, cross-checked and authenticated the facts which form the basis for this book. Rankling at our unfriendly reception and the many garbled versions I heard from friends, I wrote a forthright account which I handed over to the Chief personally. I do not know the fate of the report as I was never again asked to discuss or explain it. It may have touched some sensitive nerves. It was soon apparent that the Army had become the centre of much controversy and the blame for the 1962 fiasco had been cunningly shifted to its alleged “shortcomings”. What was more alarming were the extravagant claims made by some senior Army Officers, who attained eminence only after the 1962 reshuffles, as to how brilliantly they would had handled the situations and defied the authority of Nehru, Menon and Kaul. This attitude made me despair of whether my countrymen and colleagues would ever learn any lessons from India’s first attempt at conducting a modern war and strengthened my resolution to tell my story. 1962 was a National Failure of which every Indian is guilty. It was the failure in the higher Direction of war, a failure of the Opposition, a failure of the General staff (myself included); it was the failure of Responsible Public Opinion and the Press. For the Government of India, it was a Himalayan Blunder at all Levels. The people of my country India want to know the truth but have been denied it on the dubious grounds of National security, (even today after more than 50 years the findings of the reports have been upheld citing security reasons by the same Congress Government to hide the failures of the Nehru & all the Congress). The result has been unhealthy amalgam of innuendo, mythology, conjecture, outright calumny and sustained efforts to confuse and conceal the truth. Even the truncated “NEFA” Enquiry has been withheld except for a few paraphrased extracts read out to the Lok Sabha on 2nd September 1963. For some undisclosed reason, I was not asked to give any evidence before the Commission nor (to the best of my knowledge) my repatriated Commanding Officers. It is thus vitally necessary to trace, without rancour and without malice, the overall causes which resulted in the reverse and which so seriously affected India’s Honour. Some of the things that happened in 1962 must never be allowed to happen again. There is a school of thought who advocates a moratorium on the NEFA affairs on the grounds that such “Patriotic reticence is desirable in the context of the continuing Chinese and Pakistan military threats. I do not think that this theory is tenable. The main protagonists of this line played a part in the tragic drama, or belonged to the political party which provided the National leadership and their plea for silence does not spring entirely from the sense of patriotism. There are others, mostly barren politicians, who use the Nehru legend to buttress their failures, or in-veterate hero-worshippers, who express irritation at any adverse reference to Nehru’s long spell as the Prime Minister of India. As was said of Lord Chatham, the British Prime Minister, “His country men were so conscious of what they owed him that they did not want to hear about his faults”. But it is impossible to narrate a failure, which historically marked the end of Nehru saga, without critical often harsh comments on the principle dramatis personae who held high office and who were revered by the people. The magnitude of our defeat could not have been wrought without Himalayan Blunders at all levels. But this is not a “J Accuse”. India has a near unbroken record of Military failures through the ages. Our peasantry has always fought gallantly, but it is an indisputable fact that seldom has this bravery been utilised to win battle-field victories and thus to attain our political objectives, due to inept political or Military leadership or both. Need we follow this tragic path interminably? It had fallen to my lot to be associated with the China problem for over 8 years from 1954 to 1962. I was first connected with the higher Direction of war, in a modest capacity, as a Lt. Colonel in Military Operation Directorate. Later as Brigadier in charge of Administration of Troops in Ladakh, I saw, at first hand, what passed for “logistic Support”. Finally as Commander of the key sector of Towang, North-East Frontier Agency, I was involved in our so called operational planning to defend our borders. The years of higher responsibility were complementary and gave me a personal in-sight into our National policy as well as our half-hearted Military response to the Chinese Challenge. I have tried to tell the story as I saw it unfold over the years, to add to our knowledge. I have included the politico-military background only because this had a direct bearing on our performance in the Military field, in 1962. This is a personal narrative- a narrative of what Infantry Brigade was ordered to do and what happened when they attempted to carry out those orders. In all humility I can claim that only I am in a position to explain many nagging questions that need explaining, facts that are necessary. The theme of the book is the steadfastness of the Indian soldier in the midst of political wavering and a Military leadership which was influenced more by political ambitions than by Military considerations. The book records their Valour, resolution and loyalty-qualities which are generally forgotten in the mass of political post-mortems which have been served up to the Indian People. This is a record of the destruction of a Brigade without a formal declaration of war-another central fact that is often overlooked and which coloured the actions of all the principal participants.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 05:54:05 +0000

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