WHY ARE YOU FRUSTRATED WITHIN YOUR DIFFICULTIES? Why do you keep struggling no matter how far youve come? WHERE THERE IS POWER YOU WILL FIND RESISTANCE. Where there is limitation you will find motivation. Where there are obstacles you will find solutions. There is no shortage of reasons and excuses... There is only a shortage of persistence and execution. DO YOU WANT THE LIFE YOU HAVE?... Or DO YOU HAVE THE LIFE YOU WANT? The difference in the results you get is dependent on the decisions you make... TODAY... WILL YOU DECIDE TO BECOME AND TO BE... A fat lazy ass or a fire breathing weapon? A disconnected status quo statistic or a rare conduit of divinity? A self serving leach or a loving caring nurturer? A greedy martyr or a giving steward? A prophet of lies or a beacon of awakening? YOU GET TO DECIDE... Consider that your decision fuels the difficulty you play at... EASY, MEDIUM, or HARD... BEGINNER, NOVICE, or EXPERT... You DECIDE. Either way you choose determines your outlook. Low resistance equals less celebration. High resistance equals greater victory. My encouragement is choose the path least followed. IF YOU DO WHAT MOST WONT... YOU WILL HAVE WHAT MOST CANT. If in your heart of hearts you know you want to have it all... Than understand it is going to take ALL that you HAVE. Give EVERYTHING. Leave NOTHING. You are more powerful than you know. I believe in you. Shine ON BADASS! Jaramy Eugene Wilson SOULDIERS INC CEO Give everything. Leave nothing. #HAVEITALL #LEAVENOTHING #BEDOHAVE
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:02:07 +0000

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