→ WHY ASUP MAY NOT SUSPEND THE STRIKE Nigeria Posted June - TopicsExpress


→ WHY ASUP MAY NOT SUSPEND THE STRIKE Nigeria Posted June 24, 2013, 9:02 am Even as our bums get itchy in anticipation of the jinx-breaking NEC meets slated for today Monday 24th spanning through to Friday at the federal polytechnic Oko, my instinct however, has compelled me to consider the possibilities of a benevolent compromise to be reached. While also balancing the uncertainties and how the economics of utterances that have emitted from both quarters (ASUP and FG) may metamorphous into determining factor in the imminent resolution of the status of the indefinite strike that have crippled academic activities in most polytechnics across the federation for an indispensable sum of time. Just for the records, today marks the day 64th of the ongoing industrial action since it was launched on April 21st. despite the flaying hopes and prayers, the end thereof I must affirm, still remain a mystery at least at this immediate. The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics, the protagonist in this very familiar national theatric, featuring the Nigerian government have stated with undiluted clarity that the indefinite strike would be maintained until the government beam some rays of seriousness on the issue. This notion was acknowledge by the camera-shy president of ASUP Mr Chibuzor Asumogba during a telephony interview with the Vanguard on Wednesday. vanguardngr/2013/06/poly-strike-fg-not-ready-to-implement-agreement-asup/ Meanwhile in far East, the government through the minister of education Prof Ruqqayatu Rufai at the 17th convocation ceremony of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo State nigerianuniversitynews/2013/06/fg-approve-65-years-retirement-age-for-poly-staffs-end-of-asup-poly-strike.html claimed that the Federal government has implemented the 65years retirement age of polytechnic lecturers. Let it be recalled that the immediate implementation of the 65 years retirement age for polytechnic staff constitute the boatful of other demands made by ASUP that led to this strike. However, contrary to much expectation, the hierarchy of ASUP is yet to affirm the claims by the be-spectacled minister. Rather few days after the minister’s attestation, the ASUP president revealed that the government has partially fulfilled just one of their demands, which is the constitution of Governing Council. Sequel to the above assessment, it is obvious that there is variance in truth and harmony between these two tiers. The government on her part has exhibited a nonchalant attitude towards salvaging the strike even after over 9 weeks of industrial action embarked upon by ASUP just to demonstrate sagacity to draw the attention of government. ASUP as a union of intellectuals would be shamed and ridiculed if they succumb to the lackluster tendency of the notorious Nigeria government who understand no other language than stubbornness and violence. If after 64 days yet the government still maintain it malevolent adamancy, disregarding the quantity of scholastic lost it has cost the nation since academic standstill was launched in all polytechnic in April 21, ASUP may be forced to uphold the indefinite strike. Because suspending the strike without a reaching a cogent compromise in negotiation with the government will spell doom for the perseverance of unionism and the power of a united force. Meanwhile the cries of abandonment from thousands of polytechnic students who have been sent home on compulsory holiday is ringing Ding Dong in every quarters. This frustration has necessitated a mass protest against the federal government slated for today in Yaba Lagos. This latest action by the students however proactive would slow down the process of suspending the strike that is if ASUP ever tend to contemplate that. The demonstration by students would boost the gusto of ASUP to maintain their stand with the hope that the students are behind them. Nonetheless, we await the week-long National Executive Council meet of ASUP to determine the next scene of this national drama. Written by O. Valentine Valenty442@yahoo
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:44:01 +0000

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