WHY BOMB YOUR OWN PEOPLE WITH A HYDROGEN BOMB: River dams are constructed strong enough to be able to withstand the intensity of earthquakes that hit that region from time to time. So in a region which is hit by earthquakes of intensity 8.7 on Richter scale a dam is designed to be able to withstand say intensities of 8.9 or 10. The Richter Scale is a logarithmic scale and a quake of intensity 9 is ten times stronger than a quake of intensity 8. A 8.7 quake is seven times stronger than a quake of intensity 8. The North Easter part of India lies squarely on a major active tectonic fault line and on the average two or more earthquakes of intensity 8.7 on Richter Scale hit it each century. The last two in 1897 and 1950 played havoc with the lives of people in the Brahmaputra valley. Tens of thousands of people died and hundreds of villages vanished from the map in flash floods. Now a River-Dam is under construction over river Sovansiri for last few years at the calling of the Government in Delhi (our own government). But it is designed to withstand earthquakes of only intensity 8. That means the next great quake that is expected to hit us any time in these years (on the average once in 50 years) will be seven times more strong than what the dam can withstand. There is no doubt that the dam will disintegrate like a tinder box and unimaginable quantities of water from the dam will crash through the down stream villages and towns. Its power and its destructive ability will me many times more than a Hydrogen Bomb. If that is not enough the Dam was originally designed to be built on solid-dense rocks 400 million years old, but was later shifted to a site where the rocks are young-soft, only 40million years old. Can anyone suggest a better recipe for sure disaster? And it is being built solely to produce electricity for the hinterland India, with practically nothing for the North Eastern region; specifically for state of Assam, which will have to bear the consequences of any earthquake. So the Great Democratic Congress Government in Delhi considers the life and existence of this frontier region Expendable for the sake of Feeding power to the hinterland at cheap rates. What a great democracy INDIA is! I request all my brethren in ASSAM to vote for the Congress Party and fulfill your collective Death Wish.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:24:44 +0000

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