WHY BOYCOTT HALAL CERTIFIED FOODS AND PRODUCTS. Halal certification actually has very little to do with food being sacrificed to idols, although one could look at the barbaric way the animals are killed as such, (Jews kill their animals the same way). Halal certified food means that the food contains no meat products, especially pork and no gelatine, and the certification is not limited to meats. It also includes, icing sugar, chocolate, sugar, flour, lollies, soups, canned foods, breads, beverages, makeup, etc etc etc. Halal certification costs a supplier or producer hundreds of thousands of dollars, as in order to obtain the certification, they must have halal approved equipment, (this can include trucks, fork hoists etc), the equipment must be set aside to be used only on halal certified products, halal approved workers, (so muslims in other words), frequent checks by halal certifiers, halal approved buildings etc. This huge expense is then added on to the cost of the product, (which is why products that were once core affordable products, are now some of the most expensive to buy). This is effectively a tax, that we, the non-muslims are paying into the coffers of Islam and much of this money goes back to the Middle East and is used for dubious purposes - some even to fund terrorism. Many muslims have become extremely rich off halal certification, which also effectively subjects us to their beliefs. Of course this is directly in line with the Koran that states that non-muslims should support muslims and pay a tax to them. Many muslims have also stated that halal certifications is the biggest con out and is absolutely unnecessary. Why these companies, like Sanitarium, Watties, whittakers, Cadburies, Vogels, and many many others, (all who are halal certified) can not simply write on their labels that they contain no meat or gelatine products is an absolute mystery - and many of them DO NOT show that they are halal certified on their labels, something I think they should all have to do so that we have the choice of supporting this religion or not. (Halal certification is a crescent and star). You can find out whether a product is halal certified by placing a query in google or go to a boycott halal FB page. Boycott any company that is halal certified then go to their webpage and tell them that you dont wish to pay into the islamic coffers so you will no longer buy their products. Also ask them why they are being so foolish as to bow to this religion when they could simply state the required information on their product labels as coke cola and a few other companies do. And shame on Sanitarium, who are a self confessed Christian company, (seventh day adventists), and who are supporting this wick religion by being deceived by their demands and lies. In the words of a muslim Any food or drink that is proven to be harmful is haraam, but if there is no such proof then the basic ruling is that they are halaal, and they cannot be deemed haraam on the basis of mere conjecture and speculation. But if the company that produces it is hostile to Islam and supports its enemies, then it should be boycotted for that reason. ____________________________ Thus paying hundreds of thousands for halal certification is one of the worlds biggest cons.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:12:33 +0000

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