WHY CAREER FAIL Your career is a very important aspect of your - TopicsExpress


WHY CAREER FAIL Your career is a very important aspect of your life. Most of your time as a living being would be committed to starting, growing, building and prospering with career. Who you are; your relevance in the society, your worth in person and material possessions are all the outcomes of the quality of your career. Your career ought not to start the day you graduate from the university. In actual fact either deliberately or unconsciously, a mans career begins to find expression and definition from as young as his days in grade school; that is primary school. The kind of subjects you like and find interesting may begin to paint a picture of what youll find fulfilment doing later on in life. Also the kind of exposure you had, interactions you enjoyed, entertainment you relished and associations you maintained during your growing years play significant roles in shaping your views, perceptions, norms and ethics in dealing with life issues. Your natural gifts, talents and endowments ought to also guide your path in your choice of career in life. I am a strong believer and advocate of purpose. We are all created differently and designed to serve various purposes in this world. To this end Ill want to say that a career that would eventually be tagged successful is such that aligns with a mans personal purpose and mission in this life. Though societal and upbringing dynamics often time derail many from their actual purposes in life, more of the blame should actually go to him whom after realising hes on the wrong path in career; refuses to redirect his steps and journey in the direction of his purpose and fulfilment in life. What Im saying is If today you find your job very boring, uninteresting and frustrating, Im afraid the fault is entirely yours if you refuse to do something about it. May I say also at this point that there is no job type or occupation that lacks stress and challenges? How you will know its what youre designed for is that youll enjoy tackling the challenges and finding solutions to the various issues. You will never be tired of working at it and bringing out the beauty in every situation. I have a friend who is a passionate builder. Right from when he starts off on a new building project, hes excited. Hes looking at the architectural designs, engineering designs, site plan and all, hes already very boisterous and passionate. Occasionally I visit him on site and I see the way hes moving all around the site, shouting at the artisans, getting them to work and they in return acting up, giving him attitude and some of them running away for several days with money meant for buying building materials. On several occasions he would have to fight off area boys and touts and on some occasions he would arrive on site and most of his workers will refuse to work because they want payment for a bad job theyll have to do again, at times the rains would delay the project and he may need to break and rebuild some poorly done parts of the structure, and all day long, hes on his feet, in the sun, in the rain; many times forgetting hes not had any food to eat till late afternoon. Despite all these issues and challenges, my friend cannot do any other thing than building. He loves it, hes passionate about it and I see the fulfilment and pleasure at the end of the day when he eventually places his for sale sign board on these beautiful buildings. Not everyone can actually enjoy this type of occupation or find pleasure doing it. Personally I cant, Im not an outdoor person, I dont enjoy the sun on my face or the rains on my back, I cant chase or yell at artisans or stand in a location all day long. Im definitely not cut out for that kind of work. But I can stand and talk for five to six hours non-stop and wont be tired, this my friend on the other hand cant talk for fifteen minutes straight. We are different in make-up, purpose and fulfilment. Today many of us are failing in career simply because we have planted ourselves in professions and work types we really dont enjoy and dont find fulfilling. We are in that job because we were probably desperate for employment or attracted by the remuneration. Hence when the attended stress and challenges of the profession starts manifesting, we cant handle it or deal with it without getting upset. Little wonder many young people today are suffering from high blood pressure due to high stress level. Many become worried, threatened and afraid each time there is a challenge on the job because they lack the natural will to take these issues in their stride and enjoy dealing with it. They force themselves to deal with it hence, getting dismayed about it every now and again. Travelling this career journey devoid of purpose and passion will only lead to frustration and failure. What you dont enjoy you dont give your best. What youre not interested in, you cant get creative with. What youre not passionate about, you dont want to expand your scope of knowledge in, and when youre laid back or poor in performance, youre not entitled to rapid promotion, relevance and wealth. I think its critical you honestly ask yourself this important question this morning, take a look at your career journey again, are you failing or succeeding at it? Your career prospects; are they looking better today than yesterday? Are you progressive, retrogressive or stagnant on this journey? How old are you? How far have you come? How far do you still want to go? Can I ask some critical questions this morning? Why exactly are you working where youre working today? Do you have a better reason than salary and survival? Secondly are you genuinely interested and in love with your job? Do you love what you do? Thirdly do you have a plan; a career path, a predefined route to your destination, are you on the mark, getting set to go, on your own lane or your career race it yet to start after so many years. In fact where exactly is this employment taking you to? Five years from today, ten years from today, do you have a clear mental picture of where youll be and what youll be doing? What exactly is your personal focus? What is your career future looking like? What is that future that youre focused squarely on that will help deal with distractions on this journey? Who do you want to be in another 10 years? What would you be called, how would you be addressed and what will be your professional title? What societal need or opportunity would your career preference be addressing in another 10 years, what aspect of human existence would you take ownership of and join in the drive to great success? Think about all these. Is somebodys mind again starting to wander in search of excuses and whom to blame for this present condition and lack of hope for an exciting, fulfilling career future? When exactly do you want to begin to take responsibility for yourself, your career and your future? Dont let your career fail; the consequence would be entirely yours to bear. Please think about this and do something today. Succeed with your career, enjoy your day?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:34:21 +0000

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