WHY CROSS RIVER STATE SHOULD GET IT RIGHT, WITH THE CHOICE OF A GOVERNOR FROM THE NORTH Come May 29, 2015, the amiable government of Senator Liyel Imoke will come to an end. It is no gain saying that his Excellency governor Liyel Imoke is a very visionary man. He has taken Cross River to a very enviable height. Apart from having his policies clearly marshalled out, he has achieved so much in eight (8) years. He built on the foundation His Excellency, Mr. Donald Duke had laid. Cross River State therefore, remains the Destination to visit because of their erudite disposition. In sixteen (16) years, Cross River State in the mist of lean resources have become the State where majority of Nigerians and non- Nigerians alike, will love to settle, visit, do business, spend their holidays and hold conferences in. The State is so peaceful and organized that Governor Liyel Imoke and his party, the PDP, decided out of equity, that the Northern senatorial District should produce the next governor. The South produced Governor Duke and the Central produced him. Who will the North produce? The South and Central are eagerly watching and waiting. The North has produced a deputy governor, several speakers of the State House of Assembly and other positions in the State, but never the Governor. This is the time and they must get it get RIGHT. Who should be that Cross Riverian? A number of aspirants have shown interest to take that seat. As at the last count, they were in the region of twenty one (21) or there about from the senatorial district. There is one man in the midst of twenty one that stands out clearly. His credentials in all fields are towering. He has worked the ropes and served. He has the experience no other aspirant has. He has been under, the tutelage of Duke and Imoke. He has worked under astute politicians like, Chief Sunny Abang and Ntufam Ekpo Okon. He has been in the state executive council. He has been a local government chairman. He has been a board member in Cross River State. He has worked in the communication industry (tabloids agencies etc). This man is versatile. A very educated man who studied political science at the undergraduate and post graduate levels. He has truly served and his experience needs to be brought to bear. He is deep rooted and knowledgeable in affairs of governance. He is very passionate about the affairs of Cross River State. He has leverage points in the social, political and economic context. He has a SMART Objective:- S – Specific and unambiguous M – Measurable Objectives in all ramifications A – Achievable in the realm of possibilities R – Realistic and this is grounded in evidence T – Time- bound man in his works. We Cross Riverians can only get it right if the North of Cross River State gives us a man that works with targets, a man that builds, a man that is objective, a man that has developed strategies, a man that galvanizes and has sustainability. That man is Chief Peter Abang Ojie. With him the State will get it right, in choosing a credible man from the North, Cross River South and Central and indeed Cross River North will obviously benefit tremendously from this choice Let us be Wise!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:15:48 +0000

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