WHY DETOX! IT HELPS LOOSING WEIGHT! IMPROVE YOUR SKIN, NAILS, HAIR! TOO MANY BENEFITS TO OMIT THIS PROCESS! Detoxification is the process of removing unhealthy substances from our bodies which are accumulated from our diet, lifestyle and the environment. Our body’s detoxifying organs are the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, however with the number of toxins in our modern day environment, these have to work a lot harder in order to get rid of the toxins. A body detox helps to take the load off these organs, helping you feel refreshed and with organs that last longer. Did you know that your body will absorb toxins from various everyday objects including your diet, lifestyle and the environment? For example aluminum can be absorbed from antiperspirant and deodorants and in excess quantities it has been linked to damaging the central nervous system. Did you know that the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney disease (NIDDK) recommends drinking cranberry juice to help in flushing out the bacteria responsible for creating urinary tract infections from your system? Cranberries contain flavonoids that target the particular type of bacteria which gets attached to the urinary tract cells and weakens them without disrupting the normal intestinal flora. The harmful bacteria will then get flushed out of your body with the rest of the toxins during urination. Did you know that taking vitamin C helps the body to produce glutathione which represents a compound that is found in the liver. This can strengthen the liver as a detoxifier, helping it to remove harmful toxins. Detoxifying your body will help you strengthen your body to fight against free radicals which cause cancer, cleans any congestion or inflammation in your digestive tract, purify your blood and improves your skin. It will help you to improve your health, less fatigue, fewer headaches, reduce stomach bloating, feel less lethargic and help you to feel more energetic and full of life:).
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:00:15 +0000

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