WHY DID BLACK PEOPLE LEAVE THE REPUBLICANS FOR THE DEMOCRATS, PART 1 We need study each candidate and stop voting by party. Study their history and voting record. Besides we need our own party. The Democratic Party has been stellar at spinning a revisionist history where the righteous among their ranks fought “tirelessly” to further the cause of Civil Rights, women’s rights – indeed human rights – throughout time immemorial. In fairness, progressives have had one lynchpin to their argument: Then-President Lyndon B. Johnson did sign into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The fact that the crux of the bill was drafted and pushed through Congress by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen, and the fact that LBJ staunchly opposed the passing of Civil Rights legislation in the decades leading up to his presidency, bears little relevance on the left’s present-day narrative. Likewise, the Ku Klux Klan – the disgraced racist organization to which even Democratic President Harry Truman belonged —was founded by Democrats and, in a sense, operated at one point as the de facto militant branch of the party. Today, spurred by Republican lawmakers’ efforts to introduce voter ID laws in their respective states, cries of “Jim Crow” are routinely leveled against Republicans by their democratic counterparts and ideological foes. What is perhaps most ironic (and damning), however, is that de jure racism was in fact brought to bear by Democrats, who instated Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and even created the KKK in Southern States. Pastor C.L. Bryant, director of the documentary “Runaway Slave” spoke to TheBlaze extensively for the first installment of this report about the historical significance of Democrats’ past: Bryant, director of the provocative documentary “Runaway Slave” and a former NAACP leader himself, acknowledged that it was in fact Democrats who “stood in the way” of civil rights and progress with their collective push for Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and at the University of Alabama in 1963, when then-Democratic Governor George Wallace, in a symbolic protest against desegregation, stood in the doorway of Foster Auditorium to affirm his pledge of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” [...] Bryant marveled at the idea that, if asked today, a majority of Blacks would invariably say that the KKK and Jim Crow were Republicans creations, when it couldn’t be further from the truth. “They are just that misinformed.” It comes as no surprise that the Left has kept mum about its past transgressions, but why are conservatives so reticent to defend their historic connection to civil rights? Perhaps Republicans feel that an attempt to reach out to minorities would be an effort in futility, as they see it a forgone conclusion that Blacks and Hispanics will invariably vote Democrat. After all, the Left has established that if one is not in favor of raising taxes to fund welfare programs, that person must surely be a racist. Still, with facts and figures on their side, one cannot help but wonder if Republicans are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:11:07 +0000

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