WHY DID I START SUPPORTING IMRAN KHAN: i was not a fan of Imran - TopicsExpress


WHY DID I START SUPPORTING IMRAN KHAN: i was not a fan of Imran Khan, i was happy when Nawaz Shareef took over from Zardari.. but few things happened after Nawaz Shareef became PM after which i had to change my stance... as per my opinion lemme go through the list of anti-state activities from Nawaz Government (yes i mean anti state activities, corruption to bohat choti cheezein hain iss k aagey) here, keeping in mind none of these involve Imran Khan: 1. Nawaz Government supported Geo network on its campaign to defame Pakistan army and the ISI.. we all know Pakistan army does not defend India, its the army Pakistan. 2. Nawaz Shareef went to India for oath taking ceremony of Indian PM Modi, didnt say anything to Modi relating to already proven indian insurgency in Balochistan and Indian support to TTP.. rather Modi raised the Mumbai attack thing even though has already been proven that there was insider hand from India in those attacks.. by the way, Nawazs favourite group, Geo was right behind indian propaganda of Mumbai attacks.. 3. We all know the official stance of Pakistan on Kashmir issue.. But i think Nawaz Shareef thinks his sons business is more important that the Kashmir cause. he is no ordinary man, he is the PM of Pakistan so every action of his is accountable.. he had time to meet indian business tycoon for the business of his son but he didnt have even 10 mins for Kashmiri leaders that were waiting to have a talk with him (the PM of Pakistan) 4. when Americans gave their statement on the current internal situation, it becomes the responsibility of PM to shut American mouths telling them not to interfere Pakistans internal affairs... but again Nawaz was too much of a coward to open his mouth.. and who answered Americans.. i think i dont need to further elaborate on it.. by the way, Americans had to give clarification within hours on their early statement (they havent ever bothered to do this since i was born, so the Pakistani in me felt really happy) 5. and last but not the least, this movement of Imkan Khan is alleged to be back by the army and the ISI... since the Americans and RSS (an extremist wing of Bhartia Janata Party) has raised their voices for Nawaz Shareef.. so at least i am sensible enough to know that if one party is backed by the Americans and the Indians and the other side is alleged to be backed by the Pakistan Army and the ISI, i would be supporting my own Army and the ISI rather than Americans and the Indians... corruption aur baqya loot maar ki baat to baad mein hogi.. for me corruption not such a big crime, but i cant close my eyes on anti-Pakistan activities!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:59:27 +0000

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