WHY DO I GO FROM NORMAL/HAPPY TO SAD AND ANGRY QUICKLY FOR NO REASON? HELP PLEASE? I dont know why, but I always go from being in a normal/happy mood to really quickly being sad, depressed and angry (the mood change just happens really quickly and randomly) for no reason, and I cant explain why I am angry or sad... and then i go back to being normal? And I think about why I am sad, and i have no answer. (I always wake up sad and depressed for no reason aswell, but that wears off after a few minutes) Things that dont depress other people sometimes just really depress me and get me down for no reason. And sometimes, I decide something for example, I wanna go out tonight, or have people over my house or something, and Im really up for it, then in a second I go from being happy about it to not wanting to go out or have people over at all, for no reason and I have no explanation for why I just changed my mind. and it happens all the time.. for example, sometimes i really want a boyfriend, then all of a sudden I think I couldnt think of anything worse. (I would want a bf that understands I always change my mood and one point id be so happy with them, and then all of a sudden Id wanna be on my own, and they wouldnt understand) I also go from thinking things dont matter, to thinking it really matters, for example at times I think everythings okay, Im on top of things etc, then all of a sudden I start to feel Ive got so much to do, so many things I need to get, everythings piling on top of me etc. and then it changes again, sometimes things seem trivial to me, then they seem really important, it changes in a few seconds. I also feel like Im different from other people, the things they think of sometimes seem really trivial and pointless to me, and that I dont think the same way they do, for example, people feel they have to do well at school to get a good job etc, but sometimes I feel this is so important and get all stressed about it, then I feel like, i dont need to do that well, I dont need to get a great job and earn loads of money, why does everyone have to determine and rule your life for you. I would happily just not have a good job, as long as I enjoyed my life, e.g just travelling to different places and not needing lots of money, just being with your family is good enough,and living your life having fun and enjoying it.. i dont want to blend in and do what everyone else does. Also I dont really feel like i know who i am at times... I change my style for example. I see someone on tv, and I love their style, and who they are (even though they are just characters) and want it, I change the way I am as I like it.. eg my style, but I dont stick to anything, I keep changing. i dont feel like i know who i am yet. Also, I have everything going on for me and I always compare myself to others But then sometimes none of it matters to me. and things like that seem petty and stupid, but then i change my mind again. i feel like no one understands me and why i act the way i do, i dont even understand why i do. i just have so many different opinions and then they change all of a sudden and i cant understand why. I just dont want to be like all other ppl... Ppl annoy me the way lots of them are so shallow, and care about petty things, and i just feel like i am so different. my personality, my opinions, the way i act, dress etc all change depending on my mood and how i feel that day. Im sorry this is such a mess, im just finding it really hard to explain, theres so many more things i could write down, i just cant write them all... I just want to know if there is anything wrong with me or if anyone feels the same way? I dunno how close ppl understand me. It takes great courage to keep up with me. Ppl dat dont understand me will think Im rude. Ppl say they always think they walking on egg shells with me as I snap so easily! I wanna b alone at times!... As in to escape!... From everything and literally everyone!... And not to bothered by anything or anyone!... Ppl will call me and I will see the phone ringing and just silence the phone and whats crazy is that I have the time to chat and I just dont want to. Its like when its only convenient to me I do things. Believe it or not I used to see a psychologist every two weeks!.... And one told me in 2001 Im 30% Schizophrenic!... I didnt want to accept it and thought Im not within that bracket. (Im almost 39 years old by the way) and I heard about bi polar disorder or something, but i dont think i have as extreme mood swings as that, i dont get suicidle depressed, just feel down etc, maybe its a mild form or something? Caz I know I aint crazy as Im admitting something is wrong somewhere. Kris
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:45:04 +0000

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