WHY DO PEOPLE ACCEPT ISLAM ? There is NO DEVINE reilgion except - TopicsExpress


WHY DO PEOPLE ACCEPT ISLAM ? There is NO DEVINE reilgion except ISLAM. Islam is destaine to superseade all MAN-MADE ways of life and ISMS capital ism, christain ism, juda ism, hindu ism YOU NAME IT ISLAM IS TO MASTER THEM ALL. Islam enabled the empowerment of ones masculinity coupled with righteous and virtuous conduct as a strength, not a weakness. Islams way of life and sense of brotherhood were attractive to 50% of CONVERTS / REVERTS whereas another 30% and 10% respectively converted because of the religions monotheistic foundations and the fact that, holistically, the religion made sense and there were no contradictions Many converts / reverts will confirm the sense of empowerment Islam provides, both spiritually and mentally. It also provides a context within which such individuals are able to rise above the social, cultural and often economic challenges that tend to thwart their progress in todays society. Turning the other cheek therefore is never an option. The Quran encourages discussion and reasoning. All other so called religion and ways of life say that their HOLY SCRIPTUERS are beyond reasoning. If they are beyond reasoning then how CAN WE know which is TRUE or FALSE ? THUS THE QURAN ENCOURAGES DISCUSSION AND REASONING. There is a THEORY KNOWN as EXHAUSTING THE ALTERNATIVES. The Quran says that this book, the Quran is a revelation from GOD ALMIGHTY. If it is not, then what is it ? You give the other alternative.WHAT EVER CLAIMS YOU GOT,PUT FORTH AND SEE WHETHER THEY STAND THE TEST. The scientific community has a different aproch . If any one has a new theroy you MUST have way to prove your theroy WRONG. IT IS CALLED THE FALSIFICATION TEST. That is reason that Albert Einstein in the beginning of the century, gave a new theroy saying that he feels the universe works like that along with 3 falsification tests. The scientists examined it for 6 years and said Albert Enstein is correct. QURAN IS THE ONLY REVELATION TO GIVE THIS FALSIFICATION TEST. No other so called religion have this falsification test to prove their religion to be WRONG. SCIENCE IS NOT DISPROVING GOD. They are disproving MODELS OF GOD exp: monkeys, donkeys, cows, jesus, budda ,idols etc...etc... Guinness Book of World Records. ISLAM is the world’s fastest-growing religion by number of CONVERSIONS each year:
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:42:32 +0000

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