WHY DO WHITES PAINT JESUS WHITE? BECAUSE THE WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL AND HE DECEIVES YOU. The white man painted Jesus and all the prophets white to indoctrinate white supremacy into the minds of Blacks and Hispanics and then hundreds of years later says, “Color does not matter.” If color did not matter he would not have lied and painted them white. You cannot just tell your children now that Jesus is not white, you have to replace it with truth, the real Jesus, the Black Jesus. So you see the white man is not even a Jew. Read a book entitled “The 13th tribe by Arthur Koestler( a so-called Jew that researched the truth and found out that so -called whites are not Jews real Jews are black) also read “History of Edom and Khazaria the other Israel” by Melchizedek Y. Lewis. He has stolen our history and use his trick knowledge and tell you Black and Hispanic and Native American ( the real children of Israel) that you are African American, a colored boy, A West Indian, a Dominican, A Cuban, a Puerto Rican, etc.to divide you one against another when you are the real people of God. How can you prove this? Read Deuteronomy 28 Chapter and Leviticus 26 chapter those plagues and curse does not comply to whites it is what has occurred to us, the poor , the rejected the hated and the oppressed because we stopped keeping the laws statutes and commandments of the Heavenly Father. Let us closely examine the word of God, and prove that the white man the Devil. The fist time a so-called white man’s spirit is present in the Bible is in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:1) “Now the serpent( this is not referring to a snake but a devil in symbolic form as I will prove) was more subtil( deceitful, tricky) than any beast of the field…” It is important to point out here that the serpent, the dragon, the devil and Satan is all one and the same. It is not the white man’s color that make him a devil but the demonic spirit, which he possess. As you read on it says that the serpent( Satan) has a seed. (Genesis 3:15 “And I(God) will put enmity between thee (the serpent, devil) and the woman( Eve) and between thy ( the devil’s) seed and her( Eve) seed;” This seed of the devil is the so-called white race as their history proves it as we defined devil earlier. Lets prove that the serpent and the devil and the dragon is one and the same. ( Revelation 12:9) “and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:” The so-called white man has deceived the whole world lying about history, telling his story. Telling you Jesus is white and if you have seen the son you seen the father because the son look like the father therefore telling you God is white. Why has he been able to established this derange system? Because he is the wicked Devil that the Bible speaks of and the earth has been given to him to rule as a punishment to you so-called Blacks, Hispanic and Native Americans. (Job 9:24) “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: (so-called white man) he covereth the faces of the judges thereof( he Painted Jesus white, Mary white, the prophets white, angles white);” Why has he been able to do this? omasiali.wordpress/2011/01/21/is-the-white-man-the-devil-pt-2/
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 03:56:19 +0000

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