WHY DOES AN ATHEIST LIKE ME CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS? Its funny, many of my religious friends have no idea how often I get asked this question. Sometimes I answer it as tradition or some other lame excuse. But I never really thought about it. So Id like to share with you why it is that I, an Atheist, celebrates Christmas... First Id like to say that I do not speak for all atheist. Making atheist agree on everything is like corralling cats. If there is anything that we believe and share amongst us is the existence of a deity. Aside from that, we all think differently. We can sit and argue or debate about the origins of Christmas and the reason for the season. But I wont touch on that too much. Many of my religious friends know very well that today isnt really Jesus birthday. No where in the bible does it say so and one can trace the Christian side of this tradition back to Constantine and so on. We can all agree that today is not his birthday and that many scholars believe it to be closer to April and May than December. I also really do not care about pity little things such as Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. The fact is the Christian religion took over the pagan celebration of Saturnalia and have successfully made it their own. What they call it, is really irrelevant. My quarrels with religions have nothing to do with what a day, month or year is called but more with pushing your religion into other peoples lives without regards to their personal beliefs. Anyway, thats for another day. But why celebrate it, if its a predominantly Christian holiday? Well, I disagree, it is not a predominantly Christian holiday. It is a FAMILY holiday. It is a chance to come together and enjoy everyones happiness and joy of being with one another. A time when most of the other things in this world and life just stand aside. A time where we think of those no longer with us or that arent by our sides and reminisce about previous periods in life. How much we would give to turn back the clock and wish to spend one more minute of joy with them. It is a time when we reflect on all of those closest to us and how much they meam to us. To think of the many things we wanted to say to those no longer with us, when they were here. So, why do I celebrate Christmas? Its very simple to me... FAMILY. After all, why would I care what a holiday is called if it brings the joy of unity and love and nostalgia, then Im game. Merry Christmas everyone! To my family I love you very much, even those that dont speak to me for my lack of belief, I have nothing but love for you. To all my brothers and sisters in the military, thank you for your sacrifice of not being able to spend it with your family, I understand and have been in those shoes too. Come home safe.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:35:29 +0000

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