WHY DOES THE PRETENDED OBJECTIVITY OF THE DO -GOODERS ALWAYS COME DOWN AGAINST ISRAEL? Was recently listening to a guy from a human rights organization. He was condemning Israel for leaving Palestinians homeless (follow this closely because the reasoning is extraordinary) because their homes which are housing rocket installations had been blown up because they were empty of people because the Israelis had phoned them in advance to warn them of the attack! In essence, then, he was attacking Israel for warning people that attacks were coming. Of course, he had nothing to say about the Palestinian terrorists not issuing any warnings of any kind in advance of their attacks. The mind boggles at such tortuous logic. He was also at pains to mention that Mahmoud Abbas deplored the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish boys, but signally failed to mention that Abbass partners Hamas were simultaneously calling for the kidnapping and killing of more Jews. This same character attacked Israel for not observing the rules of war by carefully checking in advance to make sure all targets they bombed did not involve civilians. Precisely how this should be done, he did not explain, but I noted that he did not apply the same standard to the hundreds of rockets indiscriminately fired by Hamas from Gaza. And again, we got the mentality which judges right and wrong by results. In other words, if you assault me without warning and punch me in the face but your aim is faulty and you miss my nose, and I punch you back but I hit your nose, then I am the bad person and you are the victim. Again, it needs to be emphasized that Hamas, which is firing the rockets, is the dominant governing partner with al-Fatah in the Palestinian Authority. Abbas and Hamas are different eyes of the same face. [Only ONE kick at the can per contributor. Total, even capricious, editorial discretion is reserved].
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:13:41 +0000

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