WHY EVERY SINCERE AND SERIOUS BELIEVER IN THE TORAH (LAW) THAT WAS WRITTEN BY MOSHEH MUST BELIEVE IN YEHOSHUA THE MASHIYACH. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-------.-.-.-. According to Matiteyahu (Matthew) 5:17-20, Yehoshua the Mashiyach said: DO NOT THINK THAT I CAME TO DESTROY [or ABOLISH] THE TORAH (LAW) OR THE PROPHETS. I DID NOT COME TO DESTROY [or ABOLISH] BUT FULFIL. TRULY, TRULY, I SAY TO YOU THAT UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOTHING (NO JOT OR TITTLE) SHALL PASS AWAY BY ANY MEANS FROM THE TORAH (LAW) TILL ALL THINGS ARE COMPLETED. WHOEVER THEREFORE BREAKS ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE COMMANDMENTS AND TEACHES MEN TO DO SO SHALL BE CALLED LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BUT WHOEVER DOES THEM AND TEACHES MEN TO DO SO SHALL BE CALLED GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. FOR I SAY TO YOU THAT YOU WILL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN UNLESS YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS SURPASSES THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES. First of all, had it been that Yehoshua the Mashiyach came to destroy or abolish the Torah (Law) that was written by Mosheh, no sincere and serious believer in that Torah (Law) should believe in Him because the curse that was proclaimed in the Torah (Law) against those who refuse to confirm or uphold all the words of the Torah (Law) by obeying or keeping them would be on Him. Study Devariym (Deuteronomy) 27:26. Moreover the Psalmist declared that the Torah (Law) was perfect and referred to it as the word of the true God which was settled or established forever in Heaven. Study Psalm 19:7-11 and 119:89. Again, had it been that Yehoshua the Mashiyach came to add anything to the Torah (Law) that was written by Mosheh or subtract anything from it, no sincere and serious believer in that Torah (Law) should believe in Him because it is written in Devariym (Deuteronomy) 4:1-2 that nothing should be added to or subtracted from the various commandment in the Torah (Law). And finally, had it been that Yehoshua the Mashiyach came to allow the Torah (Law) that was written by Mosheh to remain as it was written by Mosheh, no sincere and serious believer in that Torah (Law) should believe in Him because the Torah (Law) was prophetic and so must change its form or condition with the fulfilment of what it prophesied or was used to prophesy. Every sincere and serious believer in the Torah (Law) that was written by Mosheh should know that it was prophetic because of the truth that it was written by a prophet. He or she should know the truth that Prophet Mosheh who wrote the Torah (Law) used it to prophesy. And in the Second Division of the Holy Bible, which is wrongly called the New Testament, both Mosheh and the Torah (Law) that was written by him were used for each other or interchangeably. Study these few examples of where both Mosheh and His Torah (Law) were interchanged for each other: Luke 16:16, 16:29, 16:31, 24:27, 24:44, Acts 26:22, 28:23, etc. So we discover that whatever Mosheh said or did was the same as what His Torah (Law) said or did and whatever the Torah (Law) of Mosheh said or did was the same as what Mosheh said or did. It was really for the purpose of showing us why He did not come to destroy or abolish but fulfil the Torah (Law) and the Prophets that Yehoshua the Mashiyach declared in Matiteyahu (Matthew) 11:13 that ALL THE PROPHETS AND THE TORAH (LAW) PROPHESIED UNTIL YEHOCHANAN (JOHN). Yehoshua the Mashiyach came to fulfil what the Torah (Law) of Mosheh, which was also called Mosheh, prophesied until Yehochanan (John). And whenever any prophecy is fulfilled, the existence of it in the form or condition of prophecy stops and continues in the form or condition of fulfilment. .......TO BE CONTINUED........
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:09:19 +0000

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