WHY GIVE A RIP ABOUT OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE? A birth certificate is accepted as prima facie evidence of citizenship status and circumstances of birth. Many Americans logically assumed on its face value Obama is qualified for office. The document is authorized by the Hawaii Dept. of Health. The story is the BC was scanned onto green safety paper with a DOH registrar stamp and date certifying it. One of Obama’s attorneys’s brought it from Hawaii and was put on whitehouse.gov April 27th of 2011. So why is Obama’s BC BS? The day of release thousands of people using graphics software, like Adobe Illustrator, found problems. The BC did not have the properties / attributes of a scanned document. They found several layers indicating a document being assembled. There is a links palette showing documents were imported into the birth certificate. The signature of Ann Dunham Obama had been digitally altered. They found many other reasons as well. You can see some of it here: https://youtube/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY 7:48 https://youtube/watch?v=3g30VCl_cgk 10:28 Within one year a duly authorized law enforcement agency determined ‘probable cause’ existed. This means you or I would be in jail. They found evidence that directly contradicts the narrative of Obama getting his birth certificate. The document is the product of human manipulation. See it here: https://youtube/watch?v=ID_KfcmG9gs&feature=youtu.be 1:27 https://youtube/watch?v=S40WKxKSlHc&feature=youtu.be 2:28 So why give a rip? This forged birth certificate shows a deliberate violation of laws of the United States. It plays the American public, left and right, for useful idiots easily manipulated. It shows lying, cheating, and arrogant natures of people using fraud to force what they want. It shows those who chose Obama had no fealty to duty or responsibilities as citizens. It shows the Democratic Party uses fraud and do not fear getting caught. Lord help us if we do the same. Think they will give a rip about YOUR crashed hard drive? A forged birth certificate shows conspiracy. This begs the question of what did they know, and when did they know it? This BC would require the Obama administration, govt officials in the state of Hawaii, the DNC not vetting him properly for 2008, and Obama’s attorneys to accomplish this. Does it even go back to Obama’s billionaire supporter George Soros? They also violated the Natural Born Citizen clause of the Constitution. It is obvious Democrats are quite comfortable committing treason to empower Obama. NBC was defined in the Law of Nations by Emmer Vattel. “Natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens – it is necessary that they be born of a father who is a citizen”. freedomoutpost/2013/01/what-our-framers-knew-the-constitution-vattel-and-natural-born-citizen/#Gb0EwvQldkeq3IKd.99 It begs the question, was Obama chosen because of these problems, or in spite of these problems? They tried to change the NBC clause in the Constitution? https://youtube/watch?v=MAu23fvG1vA 10:58 It is obvious they knew something before 2008. Why remove this: “- and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution.” canadafreepress/index.php/article/14583 Within 48 hours of the ‘probable cause’ announcement, the media was shut down from honest discussion of Obama’s identity problems. Obama has problems related to social security numbers, selective service card, Certificate of Live Birth, Long Form Birth Certificate, did he surrender his law license for using aliases, did he attend college as a foreign student, his adoption and citizenship status while in Indonesia, was his Harvard Law School education paid by the Saudis (remember the bow)? What passport did he use to travel to Pakistan? How come Obama could not pass E-Verify? How come news icons like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, or any major media do not tell the truth about Obama? The American media has been silenced, forbidden to tell about Obama’s identity problems. The same people using fraud, also strong armed the media to silence. The Chicago way of tyranny is entrenched. To listen to major media, just a couple birth announcements in local papers should trump everything. canadafreepress/index.php/article/13373 What must foreign govts think? It is now common to hear our allies do not trust US, and our enemies do not fear US. Can Obama be blackmailed by a foreign govt? Did a foreign govt help Obama get in office? Perhaps we should examine the BC as a KGB agent would! How desperate would Obama be to keep a foreign govt from revealing fraud? Would Putin expose Obama if our military is not gutted? Could this be why Obama spoke off mic to message Putin? Check it out: https://youtube/watch?v=MNxEDomUlXw 0:23 https://youtube/watch?v=J80AlgEQNoI 8:34 One must ask what the end goal is. Why would people risk treason to put somebody in office? How emboldened must they be knowing they have done this? After five years we see Iran being enabled to the nuclear bomb. Cover up of four dead Americans in Benghazi. Using a pen and phone to circumvent Congress. The deliberate invasion of the United States by diseased illegal aliens brought about by our own govt. The thugnacious use of the IRS to destroy political opposition and steal the 2012 elections. Allow an illegitimate candidate to run for office twice, then tell the public because he won there is nothing to discuss. After five years in office what have they planned all along? What will they do to insure they never stand trial for fraud or treason? What will they do? How far will they go? How high do you think the stakes really are? thenationalpatriot/2014/07/10/urgent-regime-gone-rogue-america-in-the-balance/#more-11759 Republicans. While you are busy playing politics, the Democrats are busy slicing your political throat. They will throw you overboard like the Tea Party. They have used fraud to get a President. Used the IRS to destroy political opposition. Is the NSA at their disposal? Do the NSA and IRS work together against you? Are some of you getting blackmailed this very moment? For the safety of this nation you better speak up, even if it costs you. It is our posterity that is hanging in the balance. American citizen. Nothing is going to expose this fraud from within the govt. The Democrats are obviously backing Obama in ways that skirt treason. The Republicans are either complicit or too weak to do anything. They have said as much, the votes are not there. They know they will be politically assassinated if they bring this up. “The bottom line of that conversation was that West told Lt. Zullo (after hearing and acknowledging the evidence of the case) that he couldn’t get involved in it because he might have future political aspirations - he couldn’t afford to be associated with the case”. Read more at westernjournalism/allen-west-wont-help-expose-obamas-ineligibility/#m7AjzTFRWJEZFC14.99 You will have to do something no one else will. This must begin with Christians, conservatives, and second amendment supporters. Begin and sustain a media blitz that exposes fraud in govt. This will need to keep happening until the 2014 elections. It is time for us to stir ourselves to this. If this fraud continues unabated, they will eat us alive. The silencing campaign from this govt has been very effective. Most citizens have no idea about Obama’s fraud. When they know it is fraud, they will turn on Obama and Democrats. They will know they are played for useful idiots. The truth is our friend and ally, but it is useless if we ignore it. There is only three months left to affect the balance of power in congress. I bet the Democrats have already figured out how to steal 2014. With all the issues you are working on, do not ignore this. No voters will knowingly vote for someone that has played them for useful idiots. The Democrats have done exactly that. Stop ignoring it and expose it. Sheriff Joe Obama id fraud presentation: https://youtube/watch?v=PwDqXFCy0Bo 1:03:20 blogtalkradio/wheresobamasbirthcertificate/2014/06/05/lord-monckton-offers-insight-on-the-sheriff-kit 121:12 May be 2 hours long, but very revealing. I was glued the whole time.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 01:50:44 +0000

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