WHY HIS LEADERSHIP MUST FAIL (CORD/JUBILEE) I believe most leaders, including Kenyatta Sr, Moi, Kibaki, Obama, Museveni, Raila, Kenyatta… you can keep counting, can attest to this. Most political and organisational leaders you probably know got to the top by imposing their will on others and destroying people who attempted to stand in their way. Unfortunately, it often gets lonely at the top. So, once at the top, they did develop a paranoia that others could be trying to push them off their pedestal. At this stage, it is possible that they developed imposter complex, which caused reflective insecurities, including the feeling that they may be not good enough and someone may, in due course, unmask them. Therefore, they tried really hard to prove their perfection. This is riskier, because they suddenly lost the capacity and courage to make a clean breast of their failures. Once confronted, they did express that it is neither their fault nor their responsibility. In some cases, they did look for someone to lynch for their failures. Utilising their charisma, power, magnetism and rhetoric, they convinced people to accept such distortions as normal, causing the entire nation or organization to lose touch with reality. At this juncture, the leaders became exposed to errors, including violating the law or putting the nation or organizations interests in jeopardy. Since they have caused the entire nation/organisation to lose touch with reality, their subsequent distortions effortlessly convinced people that it is perfectly normal to suffer. Ultimately, people rationalized that their leaders’ deviations are tolerable since greater good has to be achieved. It is perfectly normal to get lonely at the top since leaders are aware that they are solely responsible for the lives and welfare of the people. In the event of frequent failures, they get intensely hurt and shut down their agonizing inner voice. Still, their failures rustled inside their heads in their dreams and sleepless nights. In the intervening time, their personal lives got out of balance as they lost touch with their closet, spouses, children, and best-friends. Mostly, they philandered. Ultimately, they lost a capacity to think reasonably.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:24:52 +0000

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