WHY HON.RAILA ODINGA AND ODM PARTY MUST TREAD CAREFULLY ******************************************************************************************** IN HOMA BAY COUNTY **************************************** Homa Bay County is the bedrock of ODM party in Nyanza province and the entire country. It has the highest number of ODM registered voters then followed by Nairobi County. Out of its nine Members of Parliament, all of them were elected on ODM ticket. Remember that even Hon. Raila Odinga’s home turf Siaya County, Alego Usonga’s George Omondi Muluany was elected on Wiper Democratic Movement ticket , in Kisumu County we have Hon. Olago Alwoch who came on a FORD Kenya ticket and Hon. Onyango K’Oyoo who is in PDP. In Migori County,the governor belongs to PDP and another member of parliament for Awendo Hon. Jared Opiyo is for FORD Kenya. That shows you that Homa Bay County is ODM’s stronghold. As we are going for the by-election, ODM and Hon. Raila should be very careful because, interestingly, it is where there are many MPs dubbed “MOLES”. It is the home turf of the Nairobi governor His Excellency Hon.Evans Kidero whose relationship with Hon. Raila is waning, it is where Hon. Rege comes from not to forget Caroli Omondi. Hon. Raila’s only remaining strong lieutenant in Homa Bay County is Hon. Eng. Phillip Okundi and I am afraid that the moment he’ll not be nominated to fly the ODM’s flag in the forth coming by-election, he might join the likes of Kidero, Rege, Caroli amongst other Homa Bay tycoons who are not comfortable with Hon.Raila and if that happens, and they support one candidate, they may give Hon.Raila and ODM a run for their money. Don’t forget that Hon Kidero wants to flex his muscles with Hon.Raila and this coming by-election might be a very good battle ground. Hillary Alila is watching closely at the unfolding in ODM and might be the beneficiary. Don’t rule out the state factor in the whole game. In the event that it goes that way, Hon. Raila and ODM might lose grip in Southern part of Nyanza. Hon Raila was overheard telling Hon. Kalonzo and Hon. Wetangula not to field any candidate in Homa Bay County since the county is too volatile and he must not lose it. The ball is squarely on his court, it is for him to decide since he’s the one who has the so called veto vote. MY COUNTY MY RESPONSIBILITY,JUKUMUU KUU NI LETU SASA!!!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:24:25 +0000

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