WHY I DELETED THE VLOGS: you probably have three questions. - TopicsExpress


WHY I DELETED THE VLOGS: you probably have three questions. where the *** have you been? what the *** is this ***? why are the comments and ratings disabled? well. theyre disabled because i wanted the attention to be on this description so you guys can read it. as far as where ive been. ive been where i always go. if you think back to the vlogs, i was always going through some stuff. whether people saw it as selfish or not, i had some hard bouts i had to fight with my inner demons. so me leaving to fight those battles isnt something new to me. its actually very constant in my career and life. i do apologize to all my bruh bruhs who felt as though i abandoned the family. that was never my attention and would never happen. i think about you guys daily and every single thing im working on is for YOU. i always think back to the just be yourself tour and those moments when we met and knowing that we all shared a similar story. you guys are more supportive than anyone ive ever had in my life, and i am eternally grateful for that. as far as why the vlogs are deleted. the thing with vlogs, they represent a certain time in your life. so what was something back then may not be something now, and i am not comfortable with those moments being exposed on the internet for life. id rather start fresh with my new chapters and new memories. they happened. they came. they went. now lets make new ones. like starting a new relationship. or making it work after cheating on your significant other. i know a lot of you found happiness in the vlogs and for that i do apologize but i hope you respect my decision as a individual before as a YouTuber. i have been thinking of every which way possible to come back to you guys and let you know where i was. i didnt want to just do any old vlog or sitting in front of the camera type video. i wanted something special. and then i got the idea for Prideland. yes yes, you have no idea what it is, but you will. and soon. the trailer should drop tomorrow and the actual project should drop january 1st 2015. when i say its gonna shock you. i am not lying. but im sure yall will be there for me. im also working on other projects such as a daily talk show for DOSEofFOUSEY and...a movie. yes. a full length movie weve been working on thanks to my new network which is slated to be released mid 2015. if you read this far, i thank you. i truly appreciate you and i hope we can rekindle where we left off. love.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 22:52:09 +0000

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