WHY I DO NOT SUPPORT THE PRESENT SENATE IMMIGRATION BILL My children are 50% Hispanic, their mother being a dual citizen of Mexico and the United States. When I graduated from Notre Dame Law School, I began my legal career working on the border in Brownsville, Texas as a law clerk for the first Mexican-American judge ever appointed to the federal bench, a truly great American. I spent the last decade and more of my life defending victims of race, religion, age, disability and ethnic discrimination. I believe I can speak without bias to the current immigration bill pending before the Senate. I do not support this bill in its current form, even with the flawed Hoeven-Corker Amendment. It is a smoke and mirrors effort at "reform" which in its implementation will devolve into amnesty without border security. We were fooled once by our Washington politicians in 1986. Amnesty granted to 3 million illegal aliens with the promise of border security. We got no border security, an additional 11-12 million illegal aliens over the next 27 years, and now they want to do the same thing again. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Here are the specifics of why I do not support this bill: CONGRESS AND THE ADMINISTRATION CANNOT BE COUNTED UPON TO SECURE THE BORDER IF LEGALIZATION PRECEDES BORDER SECURITY, WHICH IT DOES. We’ve done this before. Congress makes all kinds of promises to secure the border but then fails to do so. In 1986, they promised to secure the border. They didn’t; now, we have 11-12 million more illegals. In 2006, they voted to build some 700-plus miles of fence. They didn’t. They quit funding after building 36 miles. The current bill provides for the legalization of the 11-12 million illegal aliens presently living in the country before securing the border. Once the Democrats get what they want, then funding for border security will once again be obstructed and denied just as in the past. The Congressional Budget Office says that the current bill WILL NOT secure the border; it will merely slow down illegal immigration to 75% of its current level, ASSUMING Congress implements the feeble border security presently included, which we know they won’t. There is only ONE WAY to secure the border: require that security measures take place BEFORE legalizing the first illegal. I will not trust our broken government to secure the border down the road again. THE BILL PROVIDES FOR DE FACTO AMNESTY. Oh, we hear the Gang of 8 talk about the 13 year process it will take for legalized illegals to get a green card and citizenship and how they must get behind those in line legally. Pffft!! Once legalized, the Democrats will wait a few months and then start crying about how unfair it is that these people are here in this country legally working and paying taxes, how the process is broken and taking far longer than ever contemplated and how the only fair thing to do is to give them green card alien status immediately and a path to citizenship. This is so clearly an obvious strategy of the left and any Republican who falls for the Gang of 8 party line is as naïve as he/she is STUPID! Washington is broke; the Dems know it; they will use the media to get what they want, which is 12 million new Democratic voters. THE BILL DOES NOT PAY FOR ITSELF. Just as Obamacare paired 10 years of revenues with 6 years of expenses to claim that it paid for itself, the recent CBO analysis projected only ten years of expenses to revenues. Of course, it is in the outer years – year 13 – when the impact of this law will be felt as illegals reach the citizenship stage. More misleading Washington politicking that deserves no credibility. There are many more flaws in the analysis too fine to lay out here. In the final analysis, if Washington is not required to secure the border first, then it never will. Therefore, while I am empathetic toward the plight of our friends from all over the world and particularly the Hispanic community – an empathy I have displayed in both my personal and professional life – I cannot support the immigration bill in its current form.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:58:31 +0000

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