WHY I FINALLY CHOOSE FOR BIAFRA AND DUMPED NIGERIA-EXPLANATION: I was not born an agitator for the freedom of Biafra my country. It is out of complete disappointment that I saw that Disintegration is a very good solution for all of us. Why? I was the former Chief Technology advisor/consultant to the Nigerian Ministry of Science and Technology Abuja who led the Naija Inventor project with NOTAP (National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion Wuse Abuja) reporting directly to the Director General Dr. Umar Bindir (Dr. Bindir is a good man). I was also the Chief Engineer who led the Adamawa Education and Digitization Project 2009/2010 (5 Billion Naira project) which was unfortunately embezzled by Nyako administration specifically by one Christopher Fuah-Director of SPPU of Adamawa state. I was also one of the technologists in charge of SMS deployment with Goodluck Support Group (GSG) Abuja during the 2011 Election, not to forget that I was the former CEO (Chief Executive officer) of African Business Channel of DAARSAT AIT Lagos. I did my best to help develop Nigeria but the level of corruption I witnessed was so endemic and chronic that even the Devil would shun Nigeria. I am not speaking out of sentiment my dear. I mean every word when I spoke when I said: UNLESS ONE-NIGERIA IS DISINTEGRATED, THERE WILL BE NO PEACE FOR ANYONE IN NIGERIA. SUPPORT THE PEACEFUL DISINTEGRATION OF ONE NIGERIA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. READ THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:19:48 +0000

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