WHY I WANT TO SERVE(1)!!! I am humbled and elated by the fact - TopicsExpress


WHY I WANT TO SERVE(1)!!! I am humbled and elated by the fact that majority of our people truly appreciate our drive and aspiration to take our-Akwa Ibom State to the citadel of excellence and to the real turning point come 2015. As your great steward, I appreciate the enormity of the responsibility of repositioning Akwa Ibom State and the arduous task of re-directing our vehicle of destiny towards Industrial and agricultural revolution to create wealth and employment opportunities to our Youths .This indeed is a call to duty and service to our great people, We are undaunted by the enormity of the assignment ahead even as we seek to forge a true partnership with the good people of Akwa Ibom State, to put our State on a faster pedestal of economic growth. I believe together, we shall take Akwa Ibom State from the envious heights attained by the present administration of Chief(Dr)Godswill Akpabio to greater heights of industrial and agricultural revolution to become a center of excellence as we intend to continue to set the pace in infrastructural transformation, but with a positive diversion into human capacity development and frugal management of resources with the core values of probity, transparency and service delivery, etc. My great people of Akwa Ibom State, we have a true picture of building on the legacy and giant strides of the present administration who have provided us with the enabling environment to launch our State into full blown industrial and agricultural revolution. OUR MANDATE WILL BE A TURNING POINT AND TORCH WHICH SHALL ILLUMINATE THE PATH OF INDUSTRIALISATION, AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, YOUTH AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT, QUALITATIVE EDUCATION, AND INFRASTRUCTURAL REFORMATION IN THE LAND OF AKWA IBOM STATE…, OUR VISION IS TO REPOSITION AKWA IBOM STATE TO BECOME A CITADEL OF EXCELLENCE, AN ECONOMIC HUB NUB, WHILE CREATING JOBS AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE LEVEL OF POVERTY PREVAILING IN THE STATE AS THIS WILL GREATLY DOUSE THE TENSION IN AKWA IBOM STATE AND HELP SHIFT OUR STATE’S ECONOMIC FRONTIERS POSITIVELY AND IMPROVE THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN A SUSTAINABLE MANNER. MY GREAT VISION, GREAT MISSION AND MANDATE TO TRANSFORM THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT TO LAUNCH AKWA IBOM STATE INTO AN UNCOMMON INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION. To achieve this, I and you must be committed to ensuring that Akwa Ibom State become an industrial base of Nigeria and Africa , a safe haven for investors, workers and residents, even as I formally introduce to you and all Akwa Ibom State people the winning streaks for the new face of Akwa Ibom State and beyond. WINNING STREAKS means (the winning -strategies for the -rebuilding and -empowerment of –Akwa Ibom State), it is a blueprint and a compendium of a realistic work plans ,strategies, ideas, programmes ,an anaesthesia for the biting poverty in the state. It seeks to enhance socio-political and economic status and performance of Akwa Ibom State through collaboration with the private sector and in translating the available resources in the land of Akwa Ibom State to abundant wealth by ensuring increased wealth creation through enterprise and hardwork. For today power development has become the most significant determinant of our nation’s economic growth as it affects virtually every aspects of our Nation’s economic growth as it affects virtually every aspects of our drive towards becoming the economic hub in the world. Majority of the challenges of our great nation is traceable to our epileptic power supply, Nigeria may be losing up to US$1.5billion( about N300 billion) annually, due to unstable power supply which consistently poses a threat, hence reducing the capacity of industries to increase productivity by maximizing the resources put into the production process. This instability also extends to our homes and offices, thereby, increasing the cost of running our businesses, homes and offices. Conscious of the historic epileptic power supply in Akwa Ibom State, We will enter into a long-term technical support agreement(TSA) AND operation AND MAINTENANCE(O&M)agreement under private-public-partnership arrangement with BURMEISTER&WAIN SCANDINAVIAN CONTRACTOR A/S of Denmark and China Machinery Engineering Corporation(CMEC) and NEW INDIA ELECTRICAL LIMITED to build Independent Power Producer(IPP)program to ensure the right balance between demand and supply of power, we will also partnership with foreign partners to design,erect and commission complete sub-stations up to 240Kv class,out source design services for power and distribution systems to guarantee efficiency and productivity in AkwaIbom State. In partnership with JSC “ ROSDIAGNOSTIKA a synergy of over 70 companies who are one of the largest engineering companies at the North West Region of Russian Federation in its market segment, Our administration will handle the designing, manufacturing of power transformers with accessories and spare parts, as they will arrange production of variety of equipments for Akwa Ibom State power system to replace importing products by local manufacturing. For example, JSC “ ROSDIAGNOSTIKA will establish in Akwa Ibom State Anti vandal transmission tower plants, surge arresters and composite insulators producing factory and others electric components/ accessories. The manufacturing units after certain development will provide needs of local transmission and distribution grids and further to service other Africa countries where they have investment such as Sudan and Ghana on joint venture contracts, also handle erection, execution and completion of major sub-stations and turbine projects to create electrical models that will guarantee stable power output and flow, power generation, transmission and distribution all over Akwa Ibom State, under public private partnership arrangement with the our administration. I believe increased wealth creation is a sure way to poverty reduction. We will encourage our people to be involved in the wealth creation process through kick-starting several industrial and agro-based industrial project via Public-Private-Partnership arrangement, building of the proposed IBOM INDUSTRIAL INTERNATIONAL MARKET and IBAKA SEAPORT EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE, for now CMEC investors are willing to invest on the projects on P-P-P arrangement for the provision of power and energy, and for the management of the entire Ibom Industrial International Market and Ibaka complex on 85%/15%(percent) in favour of the investors for a period of 15-25years ,through CHINA MACHINERY ENGINEERING CORPORATION ,while theCHINA NATIONAL CORPORATION FOR OVERSEAS ECONOMIC COOPERATION /CHINA INVESTMENT CORPORATION has also offered to take up the building and financing of the Ibom City ultra- modern traveler’s park and spare parts village to replace the present Itam motor park, build the IBOM MEGA CITY an initiative of the incoming Akwa Ibom State Government that will re-designed to rebrand, remarket and reposition Akwa Ibom State for global competitiveness,This projects will create thousands of jobs during the construction phase both directly and indirectly. A lot of Akwa Ibom State technicians, engineers and artisans and others will be employed during the construction phase.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:21:10 +0000

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