WHY I choose to produce my first play I found an old blog I posted - TopicsExpress


WHY I choose to produce my first play I found an old blog I posted in 2009:Are you ready to take the limits off of your life? I was wondering personally why I kept walking around in a circle like the children of Israel did for 40 years. Well I realized it the was the company I was keeping so I I decided to make a change and upgrade the people I associate with. You have to put what you want into action. I made sure if I wanted to go somewhere I could car pool if need be ( you know gas prices being what they are). I attended the autumn fall festival and free jazz concert a couple of weeks ago. I had a wonderful time and had a chance to get out of the small town I live in. This event was free all it cost me was my time and energy. The artwork was beautiful, sculpture, wood, jewelry, paintings and food vendors. I decided to embark upon making my life what I wanted it to be for my magazine which is a great deal of my career and promoting women in all areas of life and things are turning around. I realized although I may feel the need to talk to someone I do not need to talk to everybody. Let the haters stay where they are and get away from them they are doing their jobs so stay on yours. Take the limits off of your life and join some groups that are about encouragement, strength and skill set building. As I began to take the limits off of my life I realize there was a new world I could embrace no longer was I surrounded around nay sayers, and people who always cry poor mouth. TAKE THE LIMITS OFF OF YOUR LIFE I DID!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 03:30:33 +0000

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