WHY IS INNER BEAUTY MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUTER BEAUTY? Why is Inner Beauty More Important Than Outer Beauty? Like Us on Facebook Is inner beauty something that ugly people say to themselves to feel better? Find out the real truth about inner beauty that’ll reveal another side. By Jessica Dawson Inner beauty is such a misnomer, if you give it a second consideration. What is inner beauty even supposed to mean anyway? Is it a kind of beauty that’s on the inside? So is that something we can never see, and only imagine? Inner beauty isn’t just inner beauty. As you dwell on the idea for a while, you’ll realize that inner beauty is the only beauty there is. I’m not trying to say that outer appearances don’t matter. All I’m saying is that inner beauty plays a much bigger part even in first sight than you think.Flaws are perceptive and it’s a flaw only because you believe it’s one. A girl who wants to lose 10 pounds may think she’s fat, while another girl who wants to be size zero may think she’s fat. To a third girl’s eye, both those girls may already be skinny! Beauty is just a perception that begins from within. Just look at Nigella Lawson, she’s so pretty, flirty and gorgeous, that no one would even notice that she’s not exactly skinny! Any guy would be willing to date her in a flash. If that’s not the power of inner beauty, perception and self confidence, really, then what is?!! The real beauty that everyone sees If inner beauty is the true beauty that everyone sees, why is it even called inner beauty? Shouldn’t it just be called outer beauty then because that’s what everyone notices anyway? Well, a better word would be just beauty, there’s nothing inner or outer about it. You’re beautiful if you believe you’re beautiful. You’re attractive if you feel attractive. Everyone only sees you as a projection of what you see when you look into the mirror. You’re beautiful if you know it and feel it. So go on out there, because there’s a whole world waiting for the beautiful you. And if you still feel like there’s a flaw holding the beautiful you back, learn to overcome it.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:49:42 +0000

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