WHY IS MY WOMAN SILENT SOMETIMES, CRYING THE OTHER TIMES? (I was asked the same question 2012. This was my response then here in facebook. My response is the same today.) Elias Mabiria November 25, 2012 · SILENCE IN A WOMAN MAY NOT MEAN WHAT YOU THINK. Elkanah gave his other wife Peninnah and her sons their portion of the sacrifice. Pastor Eli presided. His sons in his heart were placed higher than God: mhmhmhmhmhmhm! A mess he had to live with. This romantic man Elkanah of two wives, said some unpleasant words to his wife Hannah. He told Hannah how important he was to her even more important than many sons. A very foolish thing to tell a woman who is trying to conceive. Love 101: Never tell a woman how important you are to her even if you are. She would rather hear how important she is to you. This was the failure of Elkanah. Pastor ELi needed to learn more about women too. He saw Hannah quiet he mad his conclusions. He saw her praying mode, crying unto God and assumed she was drunk. Your pastor may have strange ideas about you. Do not worry, as men we are lacking in matters of women. Do not change your direction because somebody does not understand you. THERE IS ONLY CONFESSION I AM WILLING TO MAKE ABOUT WOMEN. SILENT IN WOMEN SCARES ME TO DEATH. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT SILENCE OF A WOMAN MEANS. ANY MAN WHO KNOWS THE MEANING OF A WOMANS SILENCE IS A WISE FOOL. FOR A WISE FOOL KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT NOTHING. WHEN ELI THOUGHT HANNAH WAS DRUNK: SHE WAS ACTUALLY PRAYING. HOW WISE WAS PASTOR ELI? IF A WOMAN IS SILENT INQUIRE OF THE SILENCE IN WISDOM. TAKE TIME IF NEED BE. ELI HAD TO DEAL WITH THE SON THIS WOMAN WAS PRAYING ABOUT FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. HE DIED BEING REMINDED THAT HE WAS WRONG. DO NOT BE WRONG FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE FOR MISUNDERSTANDING A WOMANS SILENCE. ASKING IS NOT FOOLISHNESS. ASSUMPTION IS.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:51:42 +0000

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