WHY KAJWANG WHY?? The African in me just wont allow me to accept - TopicsExpress


WHY KAJWANG WHY?? The African in me just wont allow me to accept Kajwangs death as a mere cardiac arrest never. The cardiac arrest is what we were told of Thuo,Kilonzo online later to turn out into something fishy. Kajwang is said to have been normal attended Senate seatings and had drinks with unnamed colleagues at the Parliaments bar last night up to 8pm when he drove home. At around 9pm hr complained of chest pains and immediately rushed to Mater hospital he was strong he walked out of the car by himself then at 11:34pm Kajwang was no more. What happened between 6pm-8pm where he was at the bar bares the mystery. Call me whatever but Im not buying this cardiac arrest script not even a letter of it. Jogi otimo gimoro ne ruadhni Sample this; On Friday 14th Nov 2014, while driving to attend an ODM leaders consultative meeting in his own native Homa Bay Country, Hon Otieno Kajwang - Senator Homa Bay County, was involved in a serious road accident. He escaped unhurt but his driver and fellow passengers were seriously injured. His vehicle, a sturdy Japanese 4x4 Prado was completely written off. Hon Kajwang made it to the meeting and in his widely cheered address to the gathering, Kajwang condemned ODM rebels who have lately been gravitating towards Jubilee administration. Kajwang was unequivocal, urging his Party Leader Raila Odinga to start mechanisms to investigate these wayward members and possibly expel them from the party altogether if they cannot support ODM party policies and programs. That same Friday night, while asleep in his home, Kajwang received a late-night threatening call from a prominent ODM Governor who went ahead to warn him about his uncompromising stand on party rebels. Yesterday on Wednesday, within the precincts of a certain group of CORD MPs among them Augustine Neto accosted Kajwang and warned him of dire consequences if he does not stop his hard line stance on advocating for expulsion of party rebels. Later that night, Kajwang is taken ill, reportedly complaining of chest pains, vomits and is pronounced dead at the Mater Hospital.Those who saw Kajwangs body would notice unusual bleeding which there could be NO way in consequence of the acclaimed accident to have caused his heart attack Mere coincidence? After the death of Otieno Kajwang’, key politicians and leaders allied to Raila Odinga are raising questions on his death. The Homa Bay Senator who was in parliament yesterday, collapsed and died just minutes before midnight. First to arrive at the hospital were key Jubilee loyalists and politicians led by Senator Kithure Kindiki. They even announced that the Senator died of heart attack not even patient enough to wait for postmortem. They rushed to the media selling the story of heart attack without any official doctors report. Something which the corrupt Kenyan media immediately bought and ran with. While Otieno Kajwang’ attended an ODM rally on Friday in Oyugis, he had a serious accident with a Toyota Land Cruiser which he hired from a Kisumu car leasing firm. He didn’t sustain any injuries but his bodyguard fractured his hand and is still in slings. He proceeded to the rally without going to hospital. Some have claimed that the accident might have resulted in a blood clot which might have caused the “heart attack.” But would a heart attack due to blood clot cause excessive bleeding? Even while lying dead at Lee Funeral Home, Senator Kajwang’ has been bleeding heavily even people who viewed his body at Lee Funeral home were surprised. Did the Senator swallow a poison at Bunge bar where he was seen as late as 10pm having a drink with others? Did the poison burst his heart? Having been a member of the Cabinet sub-committee on ICC, his death just like that of former MP John Thuo, raises many questions. Otieno Kajwang’s death also comes when news emerges from UK how some of the top electoral leaders demanded “chicken” to fraudulently award contracts and print more ballots than needed for the 2013 general elections. Is the death a diversion The sudden demise of the senator is still a hard nut for supporters and haters to crack. The timing of his death and the way in which it occurred is a mystery that has made very many of his fans have a very dark day. A day of real sorrow and agony into my life.Since the news rocked my ears sleep went away and hunger is something of the past. Without eating anything but am still strong. Surely Kajwang is a politician of his own kind. Life well lived but surely I dont think to completion.Did he deserve this? Why had it to be this time and not any other time? Why this young? He still had more to accomplish but thats now a thing of the past. Its quite clear that Raila Amollo Odinga had few close confidants and Nyakwar Nyakwamba merited to be one of them. Kajwang stands as the only one who never betrayed Jakom in public till his sudden death. Never did he say anything against his party in public maybe in private. Kajwang will be remembered for his firm stand on party loyalty and obedience. During the last meeting we were with him in Oyugis he made it clear that only loyalists should be left in the party and this might as well have cost him his dear life. Sources that seek anonymity claim that after the Oyugis meeting he received a call theatening his life from a senior governor telling him to take care. Later particular MPs were sent to warn him to change his stand on matters ODM unless he would regret it. Investigations are still ongoing and therefore lets just be calm. A medical check will be done to determine the cause of his death. Could that have been a coincidence because these happened in a short period surely. Some argue that he was in the ICC committee alongside the late George Saitoti, the late Mutula Kilonzi, Senator Amos Wako, and Senator Moses Wetangula. Could it be an assassination by the ICC darlings? Surely extra judicial killings are back to this country. Despite not being sure on the cause of the deaths we are sure we are back to the dark days.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 07:59:41 +0000

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