WHY LEAVING WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE ASHLEY? No one at our club dont know the whereabouts of our striker Ashley Mukwena aka Mabhurugwa.Yesterday i came across an article on the Platinum page confirming that they have landed the signature of Ashley.We tried to confirm the news with our coaches but they said that they are starting to hear the news with me as they knew nothing.Ashley went to Chegutu his home area two weeks ago after Shabanie drags its feet when Platinum approaches them with cash.Shabanie executive considered the fact that Ashley is wanted by Absa side Sundowns so Platinum may sell him at a higher price hence benefiting thats why they drag their feet.Ashley saw Shabanie as the devils in waiting to devour his future and he just pack his bags in frustration without telling anyone or saying goodbye.Mabhurugwa rose to stardom this year with fans at the trials.They nicknamed him Mabhurugwa because of his big maroon sports short.Even the executive signed him just to please the ever supportive fans.He was playing for division one side Chegutu Pirates coached by our former coach and former Shushine player Dread Tavaka Gumbo. Now to Ashley: Listen and listen carefully my boy.It doesnt mean that when a parent charges too much lobola on his or her daughter he or she doesnt want him or her to wed or getting married but he or she will be considering his or her daughters future with that family as he or she is older enough to know the proposing familys history because they stayed together even before you were there.We know how our neighbour ruined careers of bright youngsters like you.Look at those Moyo twins, Nelson,Tari,Ray to mention but a few.Of course money is there but be careful your career may end there.Never the less that is now water under the bridge.Kwawaenda kanda huyo mwanakomana wangu zvikanoipa wowana madzokero nekuti gotsi rutsito. Zvisinei chedu ndechemanja,tikazoonana tipanane mvura.Goodbye Ashy but why leaving without saying goodbye considering how the maroon fans loves you.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:02:02 +0000

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