WHY MEN DONT DREAM TO HAVE A SWEET MARRIAGE; JUST AN EFFICIENT HOME. Its almost a the norm with married men to seek excitement outdoors. Traditionally, marriage dont offer more than a place to retire to after sweat and sweet. Men seldom think of marriage as fun, in fact they see it as something close to martyrdom....Bills, bills and more bills. Men are work and career oriented. They derive their fulfilments from making a success of whatever choice of career they choose. A man would always give priority to anything that would make his dreams come true. He doesnt want to fail and therefore would search out as much as possible all he would need to succeed and then commit himself to it. Logically and traditionally marriage in its have very little to contribute to his career success, at least that is the stereotypical stance of most men generally all over the world. The much the world would admit, however, is that theyve seen very great men and exceptionally successful men and women who crashed from grace to grass because of how their marriages turned out. I just kinda wonder how we can concede that marriage gone sour can derail a great life and vision and yet deny that the opposite would also produce a parallel result. Yes a great marriage will definitely produce something grand. As bad marriage will necessarily bring people down siphoning their energy and depleting creativity, so will a great marriage invigorate and multiply accomplishments. The world, until recently had only been aware of the drastic negative and sometimes instant and sudden impact marriages can have on highly successful people who are unskilled in the matter of love and marriage. Unfortunately such people are in the majority. The world largely have failed to see how a good marriage can actually shoot anyone with a healthy ambition to the skies faster and even make such people into a better person; more rounded, complete and whole. The average man doesnt know this, have never even heard of it so his prime goal has never been to make the marriage work beyond the traditional and dogmatic static roles and at best the prevention of crisis on the home front. Therefore he reads all the professional books that can improve his career while he ignores information on marriage. Most men fail to realize that contrary to traditional status quo , men, and not the women hold the key to a great and successful marriage. If the man is uninterested, calling marriage woman matter no matter the effort a woman puts in to get results beyond the regular, it will all be in futility if the man doesnt see it as indispensable to his ambition. The pays a great price to attend great career seminars but would turn down invitation to go for a free marriage seminar, he thinks you are all about to waste his time. Yes, his precious time which usually includes a fat space for a few mistresses. He thinks if he works hard enough and become very wealthy everything else will just naturally fall into place. Money talks abi? Ask Mike Tyson and Tiger Woods. The author of marriage has something much bigger and weightier role for marriage in our lives as a whole than just having a partner to keep the home fronts sane and to procreate. One shall chase a thousand, and two shall put ten thousand to flight He says. So as far as God is concerned, we are here to chase. And the best result of chasing will come when two combine to chase. The result would be in multiples of what everyone can get individually. Men usually are unwilling to learn anything new about marriage. Actually they think they know and they do; they know the traditional way of doing it, and with the benefits of hindsight, the traditional marriage status has very little to offer his ambitions. Its the women who go to the marriage seminars and read the marriage books, but its difficult for them to implement the values they have learnt because the average man dont want to be seen to be taking tutorials from a mere woman. Where the man of the house had been observed to be actively involved in making his marriage work beyond the traditional; making it happy and loving, the impact have been said to be phenomenal on their total life including career. I was shocked to find in such modern and intellectual book as Think And Grow Rich that a good marriage is key to an all round greatness and wealthy life. So wives please dont give up on making your marriage work well. But also you must understand that until he can clearly see how his marriage features in pushing him into his desired place in destiny he not likely to give it its deserved attention. If youve been praying for him before change your prayer points. Now begin to pray that he should mature fast because that behavior is clearly a product of ignorance and immaturity. Secondly, imagine that he has changed and begin to treat him like he has changed. Do it faithfully for six months and see what happens. Dont do it just bcos you want him to notice. He will, but may not acknowledge it on time. Resist all temptation to call him by any of his behaviors you find unsatisfactory. Call him what you want him to be to you always. Be happy that you are making progress. Now get genuinely interested in his passions and hobbies,his job, career, especially his bigger goal in life and find a beautiful and non threatening way of getting involved in how he gets there. The bigger result would be that you would have become a better person by far; the kind of person he couldnt survive without! He would change, and it wont be so long !! Share.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 08:52:25 +0000

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