WHY NIGERIA SHOULD REMAIN ONE (FROM THE ARCHIVES) “Waiting so long for the nation’s darkness to transmute to daylight to no avail, some Nigerians are yearning for a disintegrated homeland. I dont envision a divided Nigeria. Nigeria is not the erstwhile Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that dissolved almost harmoniously. I concede that different parts of Nigeria may develop faster, if they divide and embrace healthy competitions. However, Nigeria being Nigeria, the regions have their own cogs that may make dissolution impracticable. Nothing convinces me that an Oodua Republic would stand instantly, when Ife and Modakeke, among the many communal uprisings in the West, have not learned how to get along after being neighbors for decades. I’m not persuaded that the North would stand as an indivisible Arewa Republic either. Lumping Northern Nigeria together is easy, but they are diverse and have their own sullen rivalries, too. The ominous communal clashes in the Middle Belt are signs that it may not stick together. It is the same with the Niger Delta – disagreements over oil money would split them at some point. Biafra seems alluring for some, but I’m not swayed that a part of the East won’t ask for its own nation after a bout of political variance with the rest. I wish we could appreciate one another as a nation. People don’t value what they have till they no longer have it. I have the intense feeling that we would regret it if Nigeria splits. Geographically, we are a little country compared to China, Russia, Canada, USA, India, and Brazil. If those countries could get along, with their diverse populations, Nigerians should find a way to get along. There is strength in figure. The world cannot underrate Nigeria the way they see smaller countries like Lesotho and Swaziland (no disrespect to those countries.) Previously, Nigeria was hailed as the Giant of Africa, partly because of her large population and size. May God heal our land and bind our people together as a true nation.” – DELE AJAJA
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 08:55:27 +0000

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