WHY OBAMA CHOSE TO SPRING A DESERTER OVER A MARINE: ITS ALL ABOUT ALLAH Burgdahls father chose to use his moment of world spotlight in our Rose Garden, to praise allah… He publicly recited words of praise from the same Koran that contains 109 verses dictating hate, murder and terror of all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. He wanted the world to know where his loyalties lie. Bob Bergdahl, with Obama by his side, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran — “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” After Bergdahl finished his statement and his praise for Allah, Obama hugged him. Obama has repeatedly argued that muslim terrorists are “extremists” — not Islamists. Obama is a liar. * He knows the Koran. * He knows the 109 verses that dictate hate, murder, and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit and convert to Islam. * He knows islamic terrorists are not “extremists”. They are DEVOUT muslims following the dictates of their koran. Meanwhile, all kinds of reports are surfacing about Bowe Burgdahl and his hatred for America, denouncing his country, and his decision to desert while in combat. You don’t hear such reports about our Marine who is currently in a Mexican prison…So, why wont Obama help him? Heres why: Because Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressis parents are not muslim, he doesnt hate America, and he was no deserter…. and besides.. the Obama administration says Sgt Tahmooressi was violating the law…. Lawlessness is something the Obama administration knows nothing about… Right? ©2014 JAN MORGAN Read more at janmorganmedia/2014/06/us-can-swap-5-terrorists-deserter-5-mexican-drug-cartel-prisoners-marine/#7uJQsvS18qbpx8w7.99
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:16:02 +0000

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