WHY RAY RICES CASE IS AN ATTACK ON BLACK MALE AGGRESSIVENESS: In any hood in America, if you spit in a black mans face, thats your ass. This is known throughout the world but definitely in the hood. The media is viewing things through a Caucasian lens in an attempt to say to the women in the black community and throughout the world that black men are too aggressive for you to cohabit with. What you like about him, we hate, and all thats good about him is outweighed by his ability and willingness to stand up for himself physically. This message in the media is what is allowing our sons to be shot dead by police in the streets. The feminist are in full effect, out making this a case about domestic abuse pointing to other cases of domestic abuse as if theyre all the same. This is domestic violence not years of domestic abuse. Im not saying that its ever ok to hit a woman, so please dont start with the feminist media view. If you were in a relationship and you didnt spit in his/her face and you were hit then you suffered domestic abuse. If thats not you then dont equate this situation between a man and his now wife to your plight. What Im saying is this, black men who love themselves, will not allow any one to spit in their face. Most black women who love black men understand this fact, Its part of the reason she loves him. What did we learn from this situation? dont you ever, Ever EVER, spit in a black mans face and expect him to cower to such an assault.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:06:25 +0000

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